這帶來了一個有趣的問題:有沒有「神所不是」的東西呢?(Is there anything that God is not?)

從另一個角度,如果你們相信神是生命本身的能量,而這能量永遠不滅但只是改變形式,以及這神聖的能量不只是在每樣東西裡面,而就是每樣東西——是能量形成的各種形式(this Divine energy not only is in everything but is everything---that it is the energy that forms that which has taken form)——那麼,要了解死亡並不在,且不可能存在,便只是一小步了。

Myths support the Story, and the Story supports the Illusions. This is the superstructure of your entire cosmology. These are the underpinnings of all your understandings.
And they are—all of them—false.
Death does not exist. To say that death exists would be to say that you do not exist, for you are Life Itself.
To say that death exists would be to say that God does not exist, for if God is everything that is (which is exactly what God is), and if all things form a unified whole (which they do), then if one thing dies, all things die-which would mean that God dies. If one thing dies, God dies.
This, of course, cannot be. Therefore, know this: Death and God are mutually exclusive. It is not possible for them to exist side by side.
If death exists, then God does not. Or, it must be concluded that God is not everything that is.
This brings up an interesting question. Is there anything that God is not.
If you believe that there is a God, but that there is something that God is not, then you can believe in a great many other things. Not only death but the Devil, and everything in between. If, on the other hand, you believe that.
God is the energy of Life Itself, and that this energy never dies but merely changes form, and that this Divine energy not only is in everything but is everything—that it is the energy that forms that which has taken form—then it is a small step to understanding that death does not, and cannot, exist.
This is what is so. I am the energy of Life. I am that which forms that which has taken form. Everything you see is God, in differing formation.