生命即被詮釋出來的神。生命即那被轉譯成許多形式的神(Life is God, interpreted. That is, translated into many forms.)。在這人類已明顯跨入的新紀元,讓我們以一個新方式開始:終於認識生命,並選擇永遠優先服侍生命,在每個意識層面(意識/潛意識/超意識),在所有方面 (in all ways)。
這次,我以「你」的身分和你說話(I speak to you as You),這種情況在你們整個人類的歷史中,只有屈指可數的場合才會發生。
還有,莊子、亞里斯多德、克裡希那穆提、愛默生、一行禪師、達賴喇嘛,以及德蕾莎修女、甘地、紀伯侖、聖女貞德、約瑟夫 ·史密斯------ 以及更多其他沒在這裡提到的人都是。這名單可以繼續地列舉下去。然而,與曾在你們星球上居住過的總人類的數目相比,這數目是微乎其微。

God has spoken to you many times in many ways over many years, but seldom as directly as this.
This time I speak to you as You, and that has occurred on only a handful of occasions in the whole of your history.
Few humans have had the courage to hear Me in this way—as themselves. And fewer still have shared with others what they have heard. Those few who have listened, and shared, have changed the world.
Aesop, Confucius, Lao-tzu, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus were among them. So, too, Chuang Tzu, Aristotle, Huang-po, Sahara, Mahavira, Krishnamurti. Also, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi, Kabir, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, Elizabeth Clinton. As well, Sri Aurobindo, Mother Teresa, Meher Baba, Mahatma Gandhi, Kahlil Gibran, Bahă’Allăh, Ernest Holmes, Sai Baba. Including Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, Joseph Smith . . . and more, others, not mentioned here. This list could go on. Yet, relative to the total number of humans who have inhabited your planet, the number is minuscule.
These few have been My messengers—for all have brought forward The Truth within their hearts, as best as they understood it, as purely as they knew how. And while they have each done so through imperfect filters, they have nonetheless brought to your awareness extraordinary wisdom, from which the whole human race has benefited.
What is amazing is how similar their insights have been. Offered at vastly different times and places, separated by legions and centuries, they might just as well have been speaking all at the same time, so tiny have been the variances between them, and so huge the commonalities.