
覺知是一種 being 狀態。你先是「being 覺知」。從這覺知狀態,你可以選擇任何其他的 being 狀態。你可以選擇成為(choose to be,選擇處於、選擇是)聰明,或很棒。你可以選擇成為有同情心並善解人意。你可以選擇成為富有耐心與寬恕。
尼爾:我不能只選擇處於( be )快樂嗎?
尼爾:怎麼做?我該怎麼做(do )呢?
別去「做」。只要「be」那樣的狀態。別試著去「做」快樂。選擇「be」(成為、是、處於)快樂,你做的每件事都將隨之散發出快樂,快樂的想法和行為會隨之萌生。你「being」什麼會產生出你在做(doing)什麼(What you are being gives birth to what you are doing.)。永遠記住這一點。
尼爾: 但我怎麼選擇「be 」快樂呢?快樂豈不是自然「發生」的嗎?我的意思是指,快樂不是由於正在發生或即將發生的某事,而某事「讓我是」快樂嗎?
不對!是因為對於正在發生或即將要發生的,你「選擇是(choose to be)」一件快樂的事。是你在「選擇」那是快樂的(You are choosing to be happy.)。你沒見過兩個人對於同一件外在的情境或狀況,有著全然不同的反應嗎?
尼爾:當然有 。 但那是因為那境況對他們各自有不同的意義啊!

意義是從「你 being 的狀態」湧現出的。(Out of your state of beingness will meaning spring.)

Awareness is a state of being. You are "being" aware. From this state of awareness, you can choose any other beingness. You can choose to be wise, or wonderful. You can choose to be compassionate and understanding. You can choose to be patient and forgiving.
Neale: Can't I simply choose to be happy?
Neale: How? How do I do that?
Don't do it. Simply be it. Do not try to "do" happy. Simply choose to "be" happy, and everything you do will spring from that. It will be given birth by that. What you are being gives birth to what you are doing. Always remember that.
Neale: But how can I choose to be happy? Isn't happiness something that happens? I mean, isn't it something that I just am because of something that is happening, or going to happen?
No! It is something that you choose to be because of what is happening, or going to happen. You are choosing to be happy. Haven't you ever seen two people reacting entirely differently to the same outer set of circumstances?
Neale: Of course. But that's because the circumstances meant something different to each one of them.
You determine what something means! You give it its meaning. Until you decide what something means, it has no meaning at all. Remember that. Nothing means anything at all.
Out of your state of beingness will meaning spring.