【「意識」擴展 → 「Being狀態」改變 → 「行為」改變】

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此篇,神提醒我們:從「做」的層面只能夠達到一時的改變,那並真正的改變(true change)。雖然有許多人認為那是真的改變。在意識高度擴展下你會發覺:「行為的改變是源自「Being狀態的改變。這只是覺知的問題。
【「意識」擴展 → 「Being狀態」改變 → 「行為」改變】
沒有什麼是你必須去「做」才能改變的,但有許多是你們可以「成為(be)的。(There’s nothing you have to do, but there’s a great deal you can be.)
長久以來人類一直都在「做」的層次試圖想解決問題,卻不怎麼成功。這是因為:真正的改變永遠是從「being」的層面,而非從「做」的層面被達成的。(That's because true change is always made at the level of "being", not "doing". 註:神的意思是,從「做」的層面只能達到一時的改變,那並非真正的改變 true chenge。但是許多人認為那是真的改變。)
如果你們不去改變你們「如何being」,很顯然你們就不會去改變你們「如何做」(You clearly will not change what you are doing around that until you change how you are being.)
除非你們改變你們對「在你們與環境之間,以及與其中的一切之間的關係中,你們是誰的觀念(change your idea about who you are in relationship to your environment and everything in it),否則你們不可能有不同的做法。
摘自《與神對話 III》第18章
Neale: Oh, come on. We plant two trees for every one we cut down.
Yes, and it will take only 300 years for those trees to grow to the strength and size which will allow them to produce as much oxygen as many of the old-growth trees you are chopping down.
The oxygen manufacturing plant which you call the Amazon rain forest can be replaced in its capacity to balance your planet's atmosphere in, say, two or three thousand years. Not to worry. You're clearing thousands of acres every year, but not to worry.
Neale: Why? Why are we doing that?
You clear the land so that you can raise cattle to slaughter and eat. Raising cattle is said to provide more income for the indigenous peoples of the rain forest country.  So all this is proclaimed to be about making the land productive.
In highly evolved civilizations, however, eroding the speciesystem is not looked at as productive, but rather, destructive. So HEBs have found a way to balance the total needs of the speciesystem. They choose to do this, rather than serve the desires of one small portion of the system, for they realize that no species within the system can survive if the system itself is destroyed.
Neale:Man, that seems so obvious. That seems so painfully obvious.
The "obviousness" of it may be even more painful on Earth in the years ahead if  your so-called dominant species doesn't wake up.
Neale: I get that. I get it big. And I want to do something about it. But I feel so helpless. I sometimes feel so helpless. What can I do to bring about change?
There's nothing you have to do, but there's a great deal you can be.
Neale:Help me with that.
Human beings have been trying to solve problems at the "doingness" level for a long time, without much success. That's because true change is always made at the level of "being," not "doing."
Oh, you've made certain discoveries, all right, and you've advanced your technologies, and so, in some ways, you've made your lives easier—but it's not clear whether you've made them better. And on the larger issues of principle, you have made very slow progress.You are facing many of the same problems of principle  that you've faced for centuries on your planet.
Your idea that Earth exists for the exploitation of the dominant species is a good example.
You clearly will not change what you are doing around that until you change how you are being.
You have to change your idea about who you are in relationship to your environment and everything in it before you will ever act differently.
It is a matter of consciousness. And you have to raise consciousness before you  can change consciousness.


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