
尼爾:爲什麽每個人不是生下來就聰明伶俐(born smart)?

人生並不是一個發現的過程,它是一個創造的過程。你並不是在學習 (learning)「你是誰」,你是藉由「憶起所有你一直都知道的,並選擇現在你希望體驗你真正的自己 (Self) 的哪個面向」,在重新創造 (recreating)「你是誰」。
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第5章
Neale: How come everyone wasn't born smart?
I want to tell you a great secret.
Everyone IS born "smart." Everyone comes to their physical life knowing everything they need to know to do exactly what they came here to do.
But not everyone came here to do the same thing.
Some souls came to their body to do one thing, and some to do another. So some seem to be "brighter" or "smarter" in certain subjects in school, and others seem to do better in other subjects, or have different gifts altogether.
Everyone comes with the right and perfect gift to give to be themselves. And so, you have nothing to learn. You remember what you have always known.
No one has to teach a baby how to trust. No one has to teach a child how to love. To the newborn of your species, these things come naturally.
They bring this understanding with them.
Life is not a process of discovery. It is a process of creation. You are not learning Who You Are, you are recreating Who You Are, by remembering all that you have always known, and choosing what you now wish to experience of your Self.