
這會在你融入「光」之後。在「融合的時刻」之後發生 (After the Moment of Mergence,註:靈魂在死亡第三階段融入「本源」後,看了自己一生的「生命回顧」,然後才進行「神聖詢問」,在一種全然覺知和完全自由意志的狀態下,讓該靈魂自己決定是否繼續前往精神領域,或是要回到物質生命)。
事實上,許多、許多靈魂會 。
在與「本源」融合 (merging with the Essence) 後,靈魂明白了許多東西。它知道了沒有評判和詛咒之類的東西,它知道了在死後的生命裡沒有任何負面的事物會發生 (nothing negative can possibly occur in the Afterlife),它知道了靈魂是誰、是什麼,它知道了「生命的目的」和「 生命的歷程」。它完全知曉了「終極實相」的本質。它知道了死後永遠有生命,永遠、永遠在等著它,穿越整個永恆。
尼爾:就像一部電影的名字,《天堂會等我們》(heaven can wait,註:該片名在台灣叫《上錯天堂下錯胎》)。

幾乎每個人死去時的那一次死去,都不是 (他/她在那生中) 第一次的即將死去。如果這一次,他們選擇了「留在死亡」,那是因為他們覺得他們已經完成了此生來此所要做的事情。因此,不要捨不得他們的前進,也不要因為他們沒有回來而感到憤怒。
It simply as I have said: after dying, every soul is given the opportunity to remain in the Afterlife or to return to the physical life from which it has just come.
Neale: Yes, I understood that. But please give me the details. When does this occur?
It occurs after you melt into the Light. After the Moment of Mergence.
Neale: Well, that's not very fair. Who on earth can compete with that? Why would anyone want to return to physical life after merging with the One? I mean, really.
Actually, many, many souls do.
Neale:What? Why? Are you telling me that many souls would rather return to earth than remain in heaven? That doesn't say much about heaven.
It says that heaven is exactly what you imagine it to be--a place where you can have anything you wish.
After merging with the Essence, the soul understands many things. It understands that there is no such thing as judgment and condemnation. It understands that nothing negative can possibly occur in the Afterlife. It understands Who and What the soul is. It understands the purpose of Life and the Process of Life. It understands fully and completely the nature of Ultimate Reality. And it understands that the Afterlife will always be there, waiting, waiting, through all eternity.
Neale: Or as someone put it in the title of a movie once, heaven can wait.
Exactly. After merging with the Essence, the soul understands, essentially, all that I have been telling you here. But now it understands these things experientially, not intellectually. And then many souls do choose to return to physical life. In fact, most souls do, at least once.
Neale: Most souls do?
Nearly every person who is dying is not dying for the first time. If they choose, this time, to "stay dead," it is because they feel complete with what they came here to do. Therefore, do not begrudge them their moving on, nor feel angry because they have not come back. They came back to you many times to keep you company before. Many times.