
如果事情和情況繼續像現在這樣下去的話,這「如你們所知的」世界,可能會在你們的有生之年內終止它的存在 (cease to exist)。地球本身會繼續存在。
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第5章

Neale: When will the world come to an end?
The problem is not the world coming to an end.
The problem is the world becoming uninhabitable by the human species. That, Leonte, is a different matter altogether.
If things continue the way they are going, the world "as you know it" could cease to exist within your lifetime. The Earth itself will go on.
There is no reason for it not to exist for millions of years.
It has already existed that long, and it has the capability of doubling its present life span easily.
So, the question is not, how long will the Earth exist?
The question is, how long will it be inhabitable by a species of beings such as yours?
That is the question, and only you have the answer.
This is something you must now decide. Indeed, you are deciding it every day, through your actions.
Many of you are pretending that you do not know this, or that you will ultimately outsmart the process of degradation and devolution that your actions have begun.
These are illusions, and you may wish to explore whether it would be to your benefit to step outside of them and create a new cultural story.