從個人到社會的各領域,生活中到處可見各式各樣的競爭。如何才能有效幫助我們社會跨出充滿「競爭」的思維呢?像這類幾乎無解的問題,如果宇宙中有一個最高智慧的解決之道,您是否願意傾聽看看? 歡迎參閱:

人們相信沒有足夠的金錢,沒有足夠的食物,沒有足够的衣裳或遮蔽物來分配給大家。事實上,他們相信,任何可讓每個人存活且快樂的「人生中的東西」 (“stuff of life”,意旨生命需賴以存活的東西 ) 都是不足夠的。由於人們相信這樣,他們也就認爲他們必須彼此競爭,以便得到那些「人生中並沒有足夠的」東西。
不足的幻覺(illusion of insufficiency) 是人類的一個主要幻覺。你們族群有非常許多的决定和行爲,都是建立在這幻覺上的。

只要分享。並且盛大地分享。給出比「你以爲你能給出的」更多,你將發現:「在那被分享出去之東西的源頭,還有更多。」 (“there is more where that came from”)
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第5章

Neale: Many people have nothing, no food, clothing, or home. Why do you put people in that position?
This is a perfect example of just what I'm saying here. I do not put people in that position, Zoar. Human beings do. They do be- cause they believe that there is "not enough."
People believe that there is not enough money, not enough food, not enough clothing or shelter to go around. They believe, in fact, that there is not enough of any of the "stuff of life" to allow everyone to survive and be happy. Because people believe this, they think that they have to compete with each other in order to get "the stuff of which there is not enough."
The illusion of insufficiency is a major illusion of humans. So many of the decisions and actions of your species are based on this illusion.
If you really think there is "not enough" of something that you really need to survive (much less simply be happy), you will fight tooth and nail to get as much of it as you can. The human race has done this for thousands of years.
You will turn everything into competitions. Your economics will be competitions, the winners of which get the most money. Your politics will be competitions, the winners of which get the most power. Your religions will be competitions, the winners of which get the most heavenly reward.
Some members of the human species even think that there is "not enough" heaven to go around, so they are competing with each other to get in!
All of this is insane, given that there is enough of everything for everyone. But most members of the human race don't know this, and so they compete ruthlessly. They even kill each other for the stuff of which there is not enough.
All that is required, Zoar, for every person to have sufficient food, clothing, and shelter is for the people of the Earth to share and share alike. If they did, they would find that there is more than enough for everyone to live happily.
You can help the world understand this. By stepping outside of the illusion, by rejecting the idea of insufficiency, you can demonstrate to everyone around you What Is True About That.
Just share. And share grandly. Give more than you think you have to give, and you will discover that "there's more where that came from."