摘自《與神對話 青春版》第8章
Neale: Why can't parents just let us be who we are insted of telling us who they want us to be ?
It is the most difficult challenge faced by parents everywhere to stop directing the lives of their children.
Parents have such high hopes for their children, such dreams and aspirations.
Neale: Yes, but, these are their hopes, but these are their hopes and dreams, not ours!
Yes, but it is not easy for them to let go of these when they feel so deeply about you, when they love you as much as they do, and especially when they honestly think that they do know what's best for you!
It is also not easy to do when these very same parents are the ones who have been counted on, depended upon, for all these years to provide guidance and direction for you.
It's a tough role to give up. It's a difficult as- signment to end.
Neale: So what are you saying, I just have to "put up with it" ?
You can help your parents, first, by understanding how difficult it is for them to "let go," and by giving them time to adjust to their new role as advice-giver or listener, rather than direction-giver.
Hopefully you will never stop going to your parents at times for advice, because their advice will often be very good.
The switch from giving "directions" to giving "advice" or pointing you back to your own inner wisdom and truth can be made by par- ents fairly early in the lives of their children— usually earlier than they think. This is especially true if they have raised their children with love and not fear.
Children who are afraid of making mistakes must be watched more closely for a longer period of time.