本篇摘錄:所有生命都是創造性的(all of Life is creative)。具有較多進化成分的生命,能夠有意識地創造。
一旦你了解這一切,一旦你開始以一種新方式看待「生命」和「神」和「創造」,它便開始轉換你整個being(存在)的基礎 。它改變你對生命本身───及你自己在它裡面───所擁有的各種經驗的方式。

那石頭本身的能量系統───一個慢得多的能量系統───以地球本身為它轉動的滾筒,也能產生同樣的結果,以其自然力摩擦石頭,直到一顆寶石出現。然而,那可能得花極長的時間,而在那同時,一個人類───他知道如何有意識地移動能量來產生一個特定結果───能夠在幾小時內就產生同樣的結果。這即是「有意識的創造」(Conscious Creation)。
尼爾:我懂了!我做的每一件事,都是「所有生命與生俱來的創造過程」的一部分(Everything I do is part of the Creation Process inherent in all of Life.)。而當我演化到一個真正較高的層面之後,我真的能預知,甚至能控制影響我生活與生命的方式。我就能變成「主宰 我自己命運的主人 」 !
一旦你了解這一切,一旦你開始以一種新方式看待「生命」和「神」和「創造」,它便開始轉換你整個being(存在)的基礎 (it begins to shift your whole ground of being) 。它改變你對生命本身───及你自己在它裡面───所擁有的各種經驗的方式。

因此,我們看見,所有生命都是創造性的(all of Life is creative),而具有較多進化成分的生命,能夠有意識地創造(consciously create)。生命形式越進化,它就越能夠有意識地創造。


Everything is predictable in the energy unit you call a rock. Left to its own devices, it will continue to manifest itself in precisely the same way over an extended period.
Of course, even the rock is the outcome of a larger process that produced it. It evolved out of something else. But that process took a very long time, because the energy units that produce it vibrate at a very slow speed and a very low frequency.
along comes a human being—an energy unit or Life Form vibrating at a much higher frequency—having the capacity to see in the rock what the rock does not and cannot see in itself. The human does something totally unpredictable, from the rock's point of view. The human being picks up the rock, puts it in a tumbler, and polishes it until it reveals itself to be a shining and beautiful stone.
The much slower energy system of which the rock is normally a part can also produce the same result, with the earth it- self becoming the tumbler and its elements rubbing against the rock until a precious stone appears. Yet that can take eons, whereas a human being—who knows how to move energy around consciously to pro- duce a specific result—can produce the same outcome in a few hours. This is Conscious Creation.
Neale:I get it! Everything I do is part of the Creation Process inherent in all of Life. And after I evolve to a really high level, I can actually predict and even control the way in which I am impacting Life. I can become the master of my own destiny.
Now you are, indeed, “getting it.” Now do you see what this all has to do with your daily life?
Once you understand all of this, once you start looking at Life and God and Creation in a new way, it begins to shift your whole ground of being. It changes the way you hold the experience of Life Itself—and yourself IN it.
And so we see that all of Life is creative, with the more evolved elements of Life able to be consciously creative. And, the more evolved a Life Form is, the more consciously it will create.