
瀏覽人數 808
唯有當我們願意去了解和正視群體意識,並致力於群體意識的創造和提升,且付諸行動地實踐 ,才能啟發和結合更多人的力量,讓我們社會在這全球正加速演化過程中,儘早走出目前的「原始」階段
在《與神對話 III》神提醒我們:「文明是以你們『將自己的最高領會付諸實踐』的程度(the degree to which you implement your own highest understanding)多少,而非以你們了解領會多少而定。」這是一句很有智慧和遠見的觀察建言,值得我們深思反芻。
這問題連真正開明的人(truly enlightened beings)也難於了解,可是你們星球上大部分的人卻對這套哲理深信不疑,而這正是為什麼大部分人不去顧及受苦的大眾、被迫害的少數民族、下屬階級的憤怒,或任何生存上需要幫助的人,除了他們自身和他們的親人外。
大部分人並沒有看出,他們是在毀滅地球——那賦予他們生活的星球——因為他們的行為只尋求提升自己的生活品質。令人吃驚的是,他們目光短淺到看不出短期的獲得會造成長期的損失(not far-sighted enough to observe that short-term gains can produce long-term losses),並且經常如此——必會發生。
大部分人受到一種「像是集體利益(collective good)、一個世界的整體觀,或跟萬物一體——而非與萬物分別——的神的概念會有某種危險」之群體意識的威脅 。
 (Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.)
在你們星球上所發生的事件——已經三千年一成不變了——如我說的,是你們群體——你們整個星球上的人群——的集體意識反映(a reflection of the Collective Consciousness)
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章
Most people define "wrong" as that which is different from them. Religious differences, in particular, are not tolerated, nor are many social, economic, or cultural differences.
Exploitation of the underclass is justified by the self-congratulatory pronouncements from the upper class of how much better off their victims are now than they were before these exploitations. By this measure the upper class can ignore the issue of how all people ought to be treated if one were being truly fair, rather than merely making a horrible situation a tiny bit better—and profiting obscenely in the bargain.
Most people laugh when one suggests any kind of system other than the one currently in place, saying that behaviors such as competing and killing and the "victor taking the spoils" are what makes their civilization great! Most people even think there is no other natural way to be, that it is the nature of humans to behave in this manner, and that to act any other way would kill the inner spirit that drives man to succeed. (No one asks the question, "Succeed at what?")
Difficult as it is for truly enlightened beings to understand, most people on your planet believe in this philosophy, and that is why most people don’t care about the suffering masses, the oppression of minorities, the anger of the underclass, or the survival needs of anyone but themselves and their immediate families.
Most people do not see that they are destroying their Earth —the very planet which gives them Life—because their actions seek only to enhance their quality of life. Amazingly, they are not far-sighted enough to observe that short-term gains can produce long-term losses, and often do—and will.
Most people are threatened by group consciousness, a concept such as the collective good, a one-world overview, or a God who exists in unity with all creation, rather than separate from it.
This fear of anything leading to unification and your planet's glorification of All That Separates produces division, disharmony, discord—yet you do not seem to have the ability even to learn from your own experience, and so you continue your behaviors, with the same results.
The inability to experience the suffering of another as one's own is what allows such suffering to continue. Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.
The events which occur on your planet—which have occurred regularly for 3,000 years—are, as I've said, a reflection of the Collective Consciousness of "your group"— the whole group on your planet.
That level of consciousness could best be described as primitive.


群體意識(group consciousness)是個尚未廣泛被了解的東西——然而它卻是種「力量極為強大,只要你們一不小心,總會戰勝個人意識(individual... 更多
尼爾:人類在地球上的所作所為,到現在為止,確實不怎麼聰明。事實上你從這套對話一開始,就形容我們這物種為「原始」("primitive")。自從你做了這種形容,我就一直很好奇,那... 更多
【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】-4/10 ... 更多
【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】-7/10在你們星球上所發生的事件——已經三千年一成不變了——如我說的,是你們群體——你們整個星球上的人群——的集體意識(... 更多
所有的物種都在演化。而演化——效用是觀察出什麼對你們有用(what serves you)的,並做行為上的調整—— 似乎不斷以一個方向在進行,而離開另一個方向:... 更多
你們現在就正在以你們的每個思、言、行,影響著世界。唯一不同的是,現在你們大多數人是在「無意識地」這樣做。「新靈性」正是關於「有意識地」這樣做。它是一個對擴展意識的召喚;它是一個有意識地創造的邀請;... 更多
人類十億年的演化歷程,卻在最近這75至100年間,發生了如此巨大的「領會力爆炸,你不覺得奇怪嗎?現在這星球上的許多人在一生之內看到所有事物的發展——例如從無線電到雷達到光電——你不覺得它已經脫離模式了嗎?你們還看不出這地球上所發生的,... 更多
用「昨日之神」(Yesterday's God)一詞,我意指: 你們 昨日「對神的認知」、昨日「關於神的觀念」。這些一直是人類走向 沒落 的原因。他們沒引領人類到人類想到達的地方;他們沒帶來和平、和諧,及快樂;他們沒 有... 更多