看了前五篇(打基礎),讓我們繼續來嚴格檢驗「為何希特勒也會上天堂」這問題的本質、原因和目的(或意義)到底是什麼,讓我們還是暫時先放下「這可能是或根本是胡說八道、異端邪說」的看法或信念,否則我們很難讓自己從一個生命更大畫面或全貌的觀點,看見和覺知這事件——希特勒事件,以及,發生在你我人生中的任何事件與經驗(events and experiences)——的更大真相。歡迎繼續檢視第六篇【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】- 6/10:


尼爾:為什麼希特勒會去天堂?(我知道你剛已試圖解釋過,但我總覺得需要更多一些。)而這些事件背後究竟有什麼目的呢?而這「更大的目的」又跟跟希特勒和其他的暴君有何關連呢?(how does this Larger Purpose relate to Hitler and other despots?)
所有的事件、所有的經驗,都是以「創造出讓你們得以提升意識的機會」為目的。事件與經驗就是機會(Events and experiences are Opportunities.)。不多不少,恰如其分。
事件與經驗都是「被拉向你的機會」(Events and experiences are Opportunities drawn to you)——被你個人或群體,透過意識創造出來的。意識創造經驗(Consciousness creates experience.)。你們在試圖提升你們的意識。你們(靈魂在超意識層面)把這些經驗拉向你們,以便你們(心智在意識層面)可以把它們做為「創造和體驗你們是誰」的工具。

「你們是誰」的一個意識比你們現在所展示的更高的生命存在體 (Who You Are is a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting.) 。

這些靈魂是被你們拉向你們。你們也被他們拉向他們。那是一種相互創造的經驗,表達著雙方的選擇與渴望 (It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both.)。
沒有一個到你身邊來的人是意外巧合的。 (No one comes to you by accident.)
沒有「巧合」這回事。 (There is no such thing as coincidence.)
沒有什麼是隨機發生的。 (Nothing occurs at random.)
人生並非偶然意外的產物。 (Life is not a product of chance.)
事件,和人們一樣,是為了你自己的目的(for your own purposes)而被你拉向你的。(或為了你們自己的目的而被你們拉向你們的。)
較大型之全球性的經驗和發展是「群體意識」的結果(result of the group consciousness)。它們是被你們以一整個的群體(group as a whole)拉向你們,是你們整個群體之選擇與欲望的結果。
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章

Neale: Why did Hitler go to heaven? (I know You just tried to explain this, but somehow I need more.) And what is the purpose behind all events? And how does this Larger Purpose relate to Hitler and other despots?
Let's go to Purpose first.
All events, all experiences, have as their purpose the creating of opportunity. Events and experiences are Opportunities. Nothing more, nothing less.
It would be a mistake to judge them as "works of the devil," "punishments from God," "rewards from Heaven," or anything in between. They are simply Events and Experiences—things that happen.
It is what we think of them, do about them, be in response to them, that gives them meaning.
Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to you— created by you individually or collectively, through consciousness. Consciousness creates experience. You are attempting to raise your consciousness. You have drawn these opportunities to you in order that you might use them as tools in the creation and experiencing of Who You Are. Who You Are is a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting.
Because it is My Will that you should know, and experience, Who You Are, I allow you to draw to yourself whatever event or experience you choose to create in order to do that.
Other Players in the Universal Game join you from time to time—either as Brief Encounters, Peripheral Participants, Temporary Teammates, Long-Term Interactors, Relatives and Family, Dearly Loved Ones, or Life Path Partners.
These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both.
No one comes to you by accident.
There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random.
Life is not a product of chance.
Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes. Larger planetary experiences and developments are the result of group consciousness. They are drawn to your group as a whole as a result of the choices and desires of the group as a whole.