摘自《與神對話 II》:無法體會別人的痛苦像自己的痛苦那般,是使得痛苦繼續不斷的原因。分別心孕育漠不關心和虛假的優越感。這在你們星球上不斷發生的事件——已經三千年一成不變了——是你們星球上的人群之「集體意識」的反映。
因此,無論你們在哪裡、無論你們做什麼,如果你們希望在地球上大部分的生活經驗是和諧的,你們就必須永遠都要致力於「群體意識的創造」。然而,群體意識(group consciousness)是個尚未廣泛被人了解和正視的東西...... 歡迎檢視第七篇【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】- 7/10:


分別心孕育漠不關心、虛假的優越感。(Separation breeds indifference, false superiority.)
在你們星球上所發生的事件——已經三千年一成不變了——如我說的,是你們群體——你們整個星球上的人群——的集體意識(Collective Consciousness)之反映。
並沒有真的脫離主題。你問希特勒的事。讓「希特勒經驗」之所以可能發生,是一個群體意識的結果(a result of group consciousness)。許多人說希特勒操縱了群體——也就是他的國人——利用他的狡詐和善於雄辯。但這是個方便把一切罪過全推到希特勒身上的說法——而那正是人民群眾所要的。

「希特勒經驗」的效用(目的),是向人類顯露人性的面貌。(The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章

The inability to experience the suffering of another as one's own is what allows such suffering to continue.
Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.
The events which occur on your planet—which have occurred regularly for 3,000 years—are, as I've said, a reflection of the Collective Consciousness of "your group"— the whole group on your planet.
That level of consciousness could best be described as primitive.
Neale: Hmmm. Yes. But we seem to have digressed here from the original question.
Not really. You asked about Hitler. The Hitler Experience was made possible as a result of group consciousness. Many people want to say that Hitler manipulated a group—in this case, his countrymen—through the cunning and the mastery of his rhetoric. But this conveniently lays all the blame at Hitler's feet—which is exactly where the mass of the people want it.
But Hitler could do nothing without the cooperation and support and willing submission of millions of people. The subgroup which called itself Germans must assume an enormous burden of responsibility for the Holocaust. As must, to some degree, the larger group called Humans, which, if it did nothing else, allowed itself to remain indifferent and apathetic to the suffering in Germany until it reached so massive a scale that even the most cold-hearted isolationists could no longer ignore it.
You see, it was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler seized the moment, but he did not create it.
It's important to understand the lesson here. A group consciousness which speaks constantly of separation and superiority produces loss of compassion on a massive scale, and loss of compassion is inevitably followed by loss of conscience.
A collective concept rooted in strict nationalism ignores the plights of others, yet makes everyone else responsible for yours, thus justifying retaliation, "rectification," and war.
Auschwitz was the Nazi solution to—an attempt to "rectify"—the "Jewish Problem."
The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human race allowed him to.
The astonishment is not only that a Hitler came along, but also that so many others went along.
The shame is not only that Hitler killed millions of Jews, but also that millions of Jews had to be killed before Hitler was stopped.
The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.