

希特勒不是被派遣給你們的。希特勒是被你們所創造的。他是你們的集體意識引起的(Hitler was not sent to you. Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness.)。沒有那樣的集體意識,他便無法存在。這就是你們的教訓。

創造出「希特勒經驗」的是:人與人是分離的、是有區隔的、我們是優越的(consciousness of separation, segregation, superiority)——「我們」有別於「他們」、「我們」對抗「他們」——的意識。
當痛苦是「我們的」而不只是「你們的」;當歡樂是「我們的」,而不僅是我的;當全部的生活經驗是「我們的」(when the whole life experience is Ours),那麼終於就真正是一個「整體的生活經驗」(a Whole Life experience)。

一直都有其他的基督,以及其他的希特勒。而且以後也還會有。所以,要警覺。因為高意識和低意識的人都走在你們之間——正如你們走在他們之間。(重點是,你是否覺察)你是帶著什麼樣的意識?(Which consciousness do you take with you?)
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章

Neale: So Hitler was sent to us to provide us a lesson about the horrors man can commit, the levels to which man can sink?
Hitler was not sent to you. Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness, and could not have existed without it. That is the lesson.
The consciousness of separation, segregation, superiority —of "we" versus "they," of "us" and "them"—is what creates the Hitler Experience.
The consciousness of Divine Brotherhood, of unity, of Oneness, of "ours" rather than "yours"/"mine," is what creates the Christ Experience.
When the pain is "ours," not just "yours," when the joy is "ours," not just "mine," when the whole life experience is Ours, then it is at last truly that—a Whole Life experience.
Neale: Why did Hitler go to heaven?
Because Hitler did nothing "wrong." Hitler simply did what he did. I remind you again that for many years millions thought he was "right." How, then, could he help but think so?
If you float out a crazy idea, and ten million people agree with you, you might not think you're so crazy.
The world decided—finally—that Hitler was "wrong." That is to say, the world's people made a new assessment of Who They Are, and Who They Chose To Be, in relationship to the Hitler Experience.
He held up a yardstick! He set a parameter, a border against which we could measure and limit our ideas about ourselves. Christ did the same thing, at the other end of the spectrum.
There have been other Christs, and other Hitlers. And there will be again. Be ever vigilant, then. For people of both high and low consciousness walk among you—even as you walk among others. Which consciousness do you take with you?