
你們已納為「你的真理」的價值判斷,很少是你自己的—— 以你自身的經驗為基礎而做出的判斷。然而,經驗是你投胎來到這裡的目的——經由「你的經驗」來創造你自己。但你卻一直在經由「別人的經驗」創造你自己。

每個人都知道,性經驗可以是人類都具有的一項獨特之「最恩愛、最令人興奮、最強而有力、最令人歡喜、最能使人恢復生氣、最令人振奮、最讓人確認、最親密、最使人合為一 體、最具娛樂性」的肉體經驗。然而在你們已從經驗上發現了這一點之後,你們反而選擇去接受先前別人——他們全是把你洗腦的既得利益者——對於性所宣佈的判斷、意見和想法。
這些意見、判斷和想法已經和你自己的經驗直接衝突,然而,因為你非常不喜歡讓你的「老師們是錯的」,於是你說服自己,必然是你的「經驗是錯的」。結果是,你已在這「性」的議題上背叛了你真正的真理(you have betrayed your true truth)——以破壞性的結果。
摘自《與神對話 I》第2章

Very few of the value judgments you have incorporated into your truth are judgments you, yourself, have made based on your own experience. Yet experience is what you came here for—and out of your experience were you to create yourself. You have created yourself out of the experience of others.
If there were such a thing as sin, this would be it: to allow yourself to become what you are because of the experience of others. This is the "sin" you have committed. All of you. You do not await your own experience, you accept the experience of others as gospel (literally), and then, when you encounter the actual experience for the first time, you overlay what you think you already know onto the encounter.
If you did not do this, you might have a wholly different experience—one that might render your original teacher or source wrong. In most cases, you don't want to make your parents, your schools, your religions, your traditions, your holy scriptures wrong—so you deny your own experience in favor of what you have been told to think.
Nowhere can this be more profoundly illustrated than in your treatment of human sexuality.
Everyone knows that the sexual experience can be the single most loving, most exciting, most powerful, most exhilarating, most renewing, most energizing, most affirming, most intimate, most uniting, most re-creative physical experience of which humans are capable. Having discovered this experientially, you have chosen to accept instead the prior judgments, opinions, and ideas about sex promulgated by others—all of whom have a vested interest in how you think.
These opinions, judgments, and ideas have run directly contradictory to your own experience, yet because you are loathe to make your teachers wrong, you convince yourself it must be your experience that is wrong. The result is that you have betrayed your true truth about this subject—with devastating results.