如果這是事實——上帝給了人類這麼好的東西,而我們卻長期被強權掌控的政府所誤導——您是否願意來幫忙正視更多「人類已被貪婪取代了常識」的社會真相?來幫助社會加速集體意識的提升? (ps:神不說謊。僅供參考。)

(You clearly will not change what you are doing around that until you change how you are being.)
除非你們改變你們對「在你與環境之間,以及與其中的一切之間的關係中,你是誰」的觀念(change your idea about who you are in relationship to your environment and everything in it),否則你們不可能有不同的做法。

大麻種植的成本低,收成容易,不但可以造紙,而且可以製造出最結實的繩索,最耐穿的衣服,甚至是一些你們星球上能生長出的最有效的藥材。(Hemp can be grown inexpensively, and harvested easily, and used not only for making paper, but the strongest rope, and the longest-lasting clothing, and even some of the most effective medicines your planet can provide.)
這只是一個在人類事務的行為上,說明貪婪如何取代了常識(how greed replaces common sense)的例子。
摘自《與神對話 III》第18章

You clearly will not change what you are doing around that until you change how you are being.
You have to change your idea about who you are in relationship to your environment and everything in it before you will ever act differently.
It is a matter of consciousness. And you have to raise consciousness before you can change consciousness.
Neale: How can we do that?
Stop being quiet about all this. Speak up. Raise a ruckus. Raise the issues. You might even raise some collective consciousness.
On just one issue, for instance. Why not grow hemp and use it to make paper? Do you have any idea how many trees it takes just to supply your world with daily newspapers? To say nothing of paper cups, carry-out cartons, and paper towels?
Hemp can be grown inexpensively, and harvested easily, and used not only for making paper, but the strongest rope, and the longest-lasting clothing, and even some of the most effective medicines your planet can provide.
In fact, cannabis can be planted so inexpensively, and harvested so easily, and has so many wonderful uses, that there is a huge lobby working against it.
Too many would lose too much to allow the world to turn to this simple plant which can be grown almost anywhere.
This is just one example of how greed replaces common sense in the conduct of human affairs.
So give this book to everyone you know. Not only so that they get this, but so that they get everything else the book has to say. And there's still a great deal more.
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