而你們會一直找尋,一直實驗,一直發現,一直失敗,形成又再形成「你們的真相(your truth 你們認為的真理)和你們對自己的看法」,直到你們在這星球上有半個世紀,或近半個世紀的體驗。然後,你們才終於開始在自己的真相中安定下來,並妥協於你的真相(begin at last to settle down, and settle in, with your truth)。
於是,父親的罪就會落到兒子身上,甚至要落到第七代。(Thus, the sins of the father are visited upon the son, even unto the seventh generation.)
在我們這對話後面談論宇宙中的其他文明時,我們會來談一些新的生活模式(new models for living)。但那些模式在你們目前所建構的生活方式裡,尚無法運作。
我的意思是,你們不僅是以一種無效的方式在做養育子女的工作,你們的整個生活方式都是如此(not just parenting you are doing with an ineffective model, but your whole way of living)。
Your younger years were never meant to be for truth- teaching, but for truth-gathering. How can you teach children a truth you haven't yet gathered?
You can't, of course. So you'll wind up telling them the only truth you know—the truth of others. Your father's, your mother's, your culture's, your religion's.
Anything, everything, but your own truth. You are still searching for that.
And you will be searching, and experimenting, and finding, and failing, and forming and reforming your truth, your idea about yourself, until you are half a century on this planet, or near to it.Then, you may begin at last to settle down, and settle in, with your truth.
It is the elders who should raise the offspring—and who were intended to.
It is the elders who know of truth, and life. Of what is important and what is not. Of what is really meant by such terms as integrity, honesty, loyalty, friendship, and love.
Neale: I see the point You have been making here. It is difficult to accept, but many of us have barely moved from "child" to "student" when we have children of our own, and feel we have to start teaching them. So we figure, well, I'll teach them what my parents taught me.
Thus, the sins of the father are visited upon the son, even unto the seventh generation.
Neale: How can we change that? How can we end the cycle?
Place the raising of children in the hands of your respected Old Ones. Parents see the children whenever they wish, live with them if they choose, but are not solely responsible for their care and upbringing. The physical, social, and spiritual needs of the children are met by the entire community, with education and values offered by the elders.
Later in our dialogue, when we talk about those other cultures in the universe, we'll look at some new models for living. But these models won't work the way you've currently structured your lives.
Neale: What do You mean?
I mean it's not just parenting you're doing with an ineffective model, but your whole way of living.