
瀏覽人數 1695
人生的重點不在權力,而在力量(Life is not about power, but about strength.)。以及直到雙方都看出重點不在彼此分離(separation)時,才懂得重點在團結一致、合為一體(unity)。因為人的內在力量是存在於合為一體中,而消失於相互分離中的。分別心會使人放蕩、感到虛弱、無力——因而去爭權奪利。
我告訴你們:治療你們之間的裂縫,終止你們的分離幻相,你們將被帶回到內在力量的源頭。在那裡,你們才能找到真正的力量(true power)——做(do)任何事情的力量;成為(be)任何事情的力量;擁有(have)任何事情的力量。因為創造的力量是由內在力量產生的,而內在力量是由合為一體產生的(For the power to create is derived from the inner strength that is produced through unity.)
動力是來自內在的力量(Power comes from inner strength.)。內在力量並非來自歷練尚不成熟的動力(raw power)。而在這一點的認知上,大部分的世人都搞反了。
沒有內在力量的動力和權力,只是一種假象(Power without inner strength is an illusion.)。沒有合為一體的內在力量只是個謊言(Inner strength without unity is a lie.)。這謊言對你們的物種並無益處,卻已深深紮根在你們的集體意識裡。因為你們以為內在力量是來自個別性和分離,而實情根本不是這樣。
你們與神分離,與人互相分離,正是導致你們所有的功能失調與痛苦的原因(the cause of all your dysfunction and suffering)。然而,分離依舊偽裝為力量,而你們的政治、你們的經濟,甚至你們的宗教,卻仍舊讓這謊言屹立不朽。
現在,我要這樣告訴你們:去搞懂這真相,真相會使你們自由。(Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.)
Life is not about power, but about strength. And until both see that it's not about separation, but unity. For it is in the unity that inner strength exists, and in the separation that it dissipates, leaving one feeling weak, and powerless—and hence, struggling for power.
I tell you this: Heal the rift between you, end the illusion of separation, and you shall be delivered back to the source of your inner strength. That is where you will find  true power. The power to do anything. The power to be anything. The power to have anything. For the power to create is derived from the inner strength that is produced through unity.
This is true of the relationship between you and your God—just as it is remarkably true of the relationship between you and your fellow humans.
Stop thinking of yourself as separate, and all the true power that comes from the inner strength of unity is yours—as a worldwide society, and as an individual part of that whole—to wield as you wish.
Yet remember this:
Power comes from inner strength. Inner strength does not come from raw power. In this, most of the world has it backwards.
Power without inner strength is an illusion. Inner strength without unity is a lie. A lie that has not served the race, but that has nevertheless deeply embedded it self into your race consciousness. For you think that inner strength comes from individuality and from separateness, and that is simply not so.
Separation from God and from each other is the cause of all your dysfunction and suffering. Stilt, separation continues to masquerade as strength, and your politics, your economics, and even your religions have perpetuated the lie.
This lie is the genesis of all wars and all the class struggles that lead to war; of all animosity between  races  and  genders,  and  all  the  power  struggles  that  lead to animosity; of all personal trials and tribulations, and all the internal struggles that lead to tribulations.
Still, you cling to the lie tenaciously, no matter where you've seen it lead you—even as it has led you to your own destruction.
Now I tell you this: Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.


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