從願意讓自己去沉思和檢驗這句「你看出了嗎,你必須懷疑你自己,不然,你就會拾回你所有的力量(claim all you power)。」做起,你將幫助自己(也自然漸漸地幫助別人)開啟偉大的智慧和勇氣。讓我們拿回自己的力量,一起轉變自己,轉變我們的社會!


因為,那是一種過去被用來控制人的方式,也是現在唯一能控制人的方式。你看出了嗎,你必須懷疑你自己,不然你就會拾回和主張你所有的力量(claim all you power)。這一定是不可以的。這絕對不可以。對那些目前掌權的人(前面特別提到政治家和神職人員,politicians and clergy)來說,這無法接受。
他們掌握的那權力是你們的——而他們知道這一點。而他們唯一可以繼續掌權的辦法,就是阻擋世上任何朝向可以看清,然後去解決「人類的經驗中最大的兩個問題」的行動(the world's movement toward seeing, and then solving, the two biggest problems in the human experience)。
1. 放棄「彼此分離」的觀念。(Abandon the concept of Separation.)
2. 採納「透明可見」的觀念。(Adopt the concept of Visibility.)

永遠不再視彼此視是分離的,也永遠不再視你自己和我是分離的。不再對任何人說任何「不是完整的真相」的事,也不再接受任何「不是你對『關於我』的最宏偉的真理」的東西。(Never tell anything but whole truth to anyone, and never again accept anything less than your grandest truth about Me.)
第一項選擇會導致第二項,因為當你們看清並明白「你們與一切是一體的」(you are One with Everyone),你們就不會去說不實的話,或保留重要的資料,或對所有其他人做任何不是完全「透明可見」的事情,因為你們會很清楚,這樣做是最符合你自己最佳利益的。
但這樣的模式轉變(paradigm shift)需要偉大的智慧、很大的勇氣和重大的決心。
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章

Neale: Why do people doubt You?
Because they doubt themselves.
Neale: Why do they doubt themselves?
Because they have been told to; taught to.
Neale: By whom?
People who claimed to be representing Me.
Neale: I don't get it. Why?
Because it was a way, is the only way, to control people.
You must doubt yourself, you see, or you would claim all your power.
That would not do. That would not do at all. Not for the people who currently hold the power.
They are holding the power which is yours—and they know it. And the only way to hold on to it is to stave off the world's movement toward seeing, and then solving, the two biggest problems in the human experience.
Neale: Which are?
Well, I've discussed them over and over again in this book. To summarize, then…
Most, if not all, of the world's problems and conflicts, and of your problems and conflicts as individuals, would be solved and resolved if you would, as a society:
1. Abandon the concept of Separation.
2. Adopt the concept of Visibility.
Never see yourself again as separate from one another, and never see yourself as separate from Me. Never tell anything but the whole truth to anyone, and never again accept anything less than your grandest truth about Me.
The first choice will produce the second, for when you see and understand that you are One with Everyone, you can not tell an untruth or withhold important data or be anything but totally visible with all others because you will be clear that it is in your own best interests to do so.
But this paradigm shift will take great wisdom, great courage, and massive determination.