
瀏覽人數 197
你以前告訴過我說,實際上,我不是一個身體。你說我擁有一個身體,而「我是誰」並非一個身體(Who I Am is not a body)。
我很高興你記得這點。這是關於「你真正的自己」你們可以獲得之最重要的單一項信息(It is the most important single piece of information you could ever receive about your Self),你可以與任何人分享這信息。
其他維度中的每個生命體,都認為自己是一個宇宙中單一體能量之基礎本質」的散發物(an emanation of the Essential Essence)。或者,用我們在這對話中從頭到尾所使用的詞,也是一個你可能較能夠認同的詞:一個「靈魂」(a soul)
尼爾:我懂了,當我越能夠理解我是一個「處於身體的靈魂」,而不是一個「有個靈魂的身體」(being a soul with a body and not a body with a soul),我就越能夠以一種所有覺知的生命被邀請活出的生活,只要明白和擁抱我的真實身份(True Identity)。
摘自《與神對話 4》第 24章
Neale: You've described how Highly Evolved Beings from Another Dimension move from the physical to the metaphysical and back again at will. Then you've said that we do the same.
That's correct.
Neale: Well, not many human beings experience that they do the same. We're born – or as you put it, we "embody” – when we do. We don't experience having any control over that. And we die when we die. We have no control over that, either.
That would be incorrect.
Neale: Okay, it's true that some people die by their own hands, so they did exert control over when they died, but they certainly had no control over when they were born.
You will continue to imagine that all of this is true about both what you call your "birth" and your "death" so long as you think of yourself as a body.
Neale: You have told me before, actually, that I am not a body. You have said that I have a body, but that Who I Am is not a body.
I am happy that you have remembered this. It is the most important single piece of information you could ever receive about your Self, and that you could ever share with anyone.
Each entity in the Other Dimension thinks of itself as an emanation of the Essential Essence. Or, using the word that we’ve employed so far throughout this dialogue, and one that you may be able to relate to better: a soul.
And so you see that you are not "far afield" in exploring this. In fact, this is central to the larger discussion about what it would look like for humans to model their life on the lives of Highly Evolved Beings.
So use what we're looking at now to create a larger context for what's already been shared here about the possibilities for humanity's tomorrow.
Neale: Perfect. All right. I can see the connection. You want me to understand that it is because they know themselves to be what we call "souls" that Highly Evolved Beings from Another Dimension experience that they can embody at will, that they never die, that their purpose and only desire is to express and experience Divinity, that there is nothing they need, nothing they own, nothing over which they have stewardship that they will not share, nothing they will not do for those they love – and no one they do not love.
What a wonderful summary. You've really pulled this all together now. Good for you.
Neale: I know that the more I can understand about being a soul with a body and not a body with a soul, the more I can live the life that all sentient beings are invited to live, by simply knowing and embracing their True Identity.


你的靈魂知曉每件事——過去、現在與未來的每件事。它知道「你是誰」,以及你尋求成為誰。它親密地熟悉我,因為它是我那最接近你的部分(it is the part of Me that is closest to you)。靈魂是那『神最接近你』... 更多
尼爾:天哪,我的某一部分總覺得,這些列出的項目是一種對我們整個物種的控訴(indictment),對於我們的整個生活方式的控訴。觀察出一名三歲大的幼童所不了解的東西,... 更多
6.「真理、真相 Truth」
如果我把所有真理全都放在這對話上,你們會將這本書當成你們的《聖經》(turn this book to your bible)。 尼爾:我不會那樣。 嗯,相信我,有些人會將它變成他們的《聖經》。 尼爾:是的,我了解。 所以,... 更多
你們有些人一直認為神不是生命,反倒認為,神站在生命外邊,創造生命,卻不是生命。我告訴你們:「生命」和「神」兩者是可以互換的。當你了解這層道理時,你將了解新靈性的基礎,你將對神有個「一個字的定義」 (... 更多
神並非一個單一的超級生命體(Super Being),而是稱為生命的非凡特殊歷程。除了「生命」和「歷程」外,還有一個字也是可以與神互換的,就是「改變」(“Change”)。尼爾:又來了。... 更多
神並非一個單一的超級生命體,而是個稱為生命的非凡特殊歷程。尼爾:這論點非同小可。在我們的神學架構裡,這是個很大的改變。對某些人而言,這是一個重大的轉變。對另一些人而 言,... 更多
想像你是在一個白色房間裡,有白牆、白地板、白天花板,沒有角落。想像你被某些看不見的力量懸吊在這樣的空間裡。你懸掛在半空中擺盪。你無法觸及任何東西,無法聽見任何東西,你看見的一切只是白色,你想這樣子你會在你自己的經驗裡「存在」(... 更多
尼爾:我如何才能與我真正的自己(Self)為友?藉由開始認識「你真正是誰」。並且藉由對「你不是誰」變得更明白。一旦你明白「你真正是誰」,你將愛上你自己 (fall in love with your Self)。... 更多