
人類「覺知的三個層次」(Three Levels of Awareness)是:
1. 希望。Hope
2. 信心(相信)Faith (Belief)
3. 知曉。Knowing
「知曉」是覺知的第三個層次。它的能量大於「希望」或「信心」,因為它宣告在任何情況下結都不會是負面的,而所有結果都是正向的,因此,去迎接而不去抗拒,因為所有這些都使我們走向「我們的進化之路」,並帶領我們回家(lead us back Home)。因此我們說,要處在(be)一種「知曉」我們永遠不會有「不好」的事情發生的覺知層次。這是真實的,當然,這是就「我們是誰」和「我們是什麼」的角度來說。
摘自《與神對話 4》附錄:與神對話系列書中的重點研究

What are the Three Levels of Awareness?
2.Faith (Belief)
Hope is the first level of awareness. It is far better than the feeling of "no hope", but it is an elementary level of awareness, because it suggests that a positive outcome in any given situation is a possibility, but not a guarantee. So, one is said to have "hope".
Faith is the second level of awareness. It is greater in energy than "hope" because it suggests that while negative outcomes are possible, a positive outcome is assured in this particular case. So, one is said to have "faith".
Knowing is the highest level of awareness. It is greater than either "hope" or "faith" because it declares that no negative outcome is possible under any circumstances, but that all outcomes are positive, and therefore welcome and not resisted, since all move us forward on our evolutionary path, and lead us back Home. We are thus said to be in a place of "knowing" that nothing "bad" can happen to us, ever. This is true, of course, given who and what we are.