
瀏覽人數 1775


你已納為「你的真理」的價值判斷(value judgments you have incorporated into your truth),很少是你——你自己,以你自身的經驗為基礎而做出的判斷。然而,經驗是你投胎來到這裡的目的——經由你的經驗」來創造你自己。但你卻一直在經由別人的經驗」創造你自己。
如果真有所謂的「罪」這樣的東西的話,那它會是:你因為別人的經驗,讓自己變成你今日所是的樣子(If there were such a think as sin, this would be it: to allow yourself to become what you are because of the experience of others.)。這是你已犯下的「罪」。你們所有人都是。你沒等到你自己的經驗,就接受別人的經驗為福音(不誇張地說),然後,當你第一次遇到了實際的經驗時,你就將「你認為你已經知道的」覆蓋在那際遇上(you overlay what you think you already know onto the encounter)
摘自《與神對話 I》第2章
Your ideas about right and wrong are just that—ideas. They are the thoughts which form the shape and create the substance of Who You Are. There would be only one reason to change any of these; only one purpose in making an alteration: if you are not happy with Who You Are.
If your values serve you, hold to them. Argue for them. Fight to defend them.
You say "hold to your values" at the same time you say our values are all wrong. Help me with this.
I have not said your values are wrong. But neither are they right They are simply judgments. Assessments. Decisions. For the most part, they are decisions made not by you, but by someone else. Your parents, perhaps. Your religion. Your teachers, historians, politicians.
Very few of the value judgments you have incorporated into your truth are judgments you, yourself, have made based on your own experience. Yet experience is what you came here for—and out of your experience were you to create yourself. You have created yourself out of the experience of others.
If there were such a thing as sin, this would be it: to allow yourself to become what you are because of the experience of others. This is the "sin" you have committed. All of you. You do not await your own experience, you accept the experience of others as gospel (literally), and then, when you encounter the actual experience for the first time, you overlay what you think you already know onto the encounter.


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