「高度演化生命 Highly Evolved Being」一詞是與神對話裡神創造出的名稱,認識這個名詞對你我個人和對全球的文明進化,將會是無法忽視的一部分,因為這是一項我們必將(並即將)面對的宇宙真相。要真正認識宇宙、了解生命,你無法不知道什麼是「高度演化生命」。
有趣的是,在我已完成翻譯並將於今年在台灣出版的《與神對話 4》中,神清楚地說出:佛陀和耶穌都是以出生為人類的形式來到地球的「高度演化生命」之一。但重點是在「信息的內容價值」,不在「信息使者是誰」。

註:FYI,HEB不是與神對話的新名詞,早在1996年的《與神對話III》從第16章到21章,共六章都在介紹和解說Highly Evolved Beings 的存在和高度演化社會的運作模式。其中當時的譯者把它一下翻譯成「高度演化生物」,一下翻譯成「高生命」,也有一小部分翻譯成「高度演化生命」。因此許多閱讀過之前與神對話的人較難留下印象。
所有靈魂的整個經歷,都是關於「選擇」。總是並且永遠是:選擇,選擇,選擇。(The whole experience of all souls is about choice. Always and forever, choice, choice, choice.)

自由選擇。神性的選擇,處於和成為神性的選擇。(Free choice. The choice of Divine Beings, being Divine.)
你為什麼這麼驚訝?不是已經被寫出:「你們是神…」(Ye are Gods…)了嗎?
尼爾:所以這個靈魂可以真正被稱為「高度進化的人類」(highly evolved human)。

摘自《與神對話 4》第25章

Neale: So you're saying that souls have their choice, between lifetimes, of where to become physical.
The whole experience of all souls is about choice. Always and forever, choice, choice, choice.
Free choice. The choice of Divine Beings, being Divine.
Neale: Oh, man . . . this is so . . . I don't know . . . incredible is the word my mind comes up with. I'm fighting not to say, "impossible to believe."
Why are you so amazed? Is it not written: Ye are Gods . . .?
Neale: Yes, yes, but who believes that stuff? Who takes it literally?
What was the point of the message if you were going to toss it aside.
Neale: I'm hearing that. But there’s so much in so many holy scriptures, and not every word of it is true. Let's be fair. There have been some misinterpretations, some misunderstandings of the original . . . shall I say . . . "revelations". So we have to pick and choose, and it is not easy knowing which to hold close and deeply believe.
Yes, that's why, once in every great while, a Highly Evolved Being from Another Dimension will embody in human form to deliver and model, in human form, the grandest truths, making it more possible for your emerging species to sort this all out.
When a Highly Evolved Being becomes human in form, it will absorb, embrace and embody all aspects of humanness, down to the smallest detail and cellular characteristic. It is, therefore, not alien, but entirely human, yet with characteristics of thought and temperament, awareness and understanding that its knowing and experience brings it.
Neale: And so this soul could really be called a highly evolved human.
That is exactly so. HEBs, like you, are souls – manifesting Divinity in physical form. They are souls who have chosen to move from the metaphysical to the physical in your dimension in order that they may have the experience of their Divinity by assisting other souls in remembering their own.
Neale: That is a wonderful clarification, a perfect exegesis.