◆ 耶穌是外星人嗎?
◆ 與神對話裡的那位神,是一位外星人或高度演化命(Highly Evolved Being)嗎?
◆ 外星人(E.T.)和高度演化生命相同嗎?如果沒有差異,為何與神對話的神要用「高度演化生命」,而不稱「外星人」?
◆ 高度先進(advanced)和高度演化(evolved)兩者有何不同?
了解這些問題對人類的進化有幫助,您都可以在《與神對話 4》裡找到很清楚的解答——不是只因為那是神的解說而可能讓你「頭腦相信」,而是因為當你聽懂關於這些對話的解說和引導我們理解的道理時,你會因意識擴展而自然「內心明白」。例如,你內心會明白為何一個真正高度進化的生命不會說謊,只會說真實的事情。

尼爾:...我不知道那些想法是否來自高度演化生命(Highly Evolved Beings),但我肯定已經看到很多電影、書籍、線上文章和其他處理人類更好的互動方式的信息,提供了一種「為我們物種改變文化故事的美妙元素」並提出大膽的新情景,以改善我們集體的未來。
不,這個對話不是來自我所指的高度演化生命們所提供的(This conversation is not being sourced by the Highly Evolved Beings to which I have been referring),如果這是你在問的問題。它是跨越宇宙中「神性被表達之較大的過程」的一部分(It is part of the larger process through which Divinity is being expressed across the cosmos.)。
宇宙中每個有感知的生命(sentient being)都有能力直接地與神溝通。從來都不必透過任何媒介、高度演化生命或任何其他的人,並且永遠不需要。

高度進化的生命只是更有覺知地意識到他們與最初本源(Original Source)的永恆聯繫,永遠不會否認他們是最初本源之表達(expressions),經驗著他們與你們所成為神的「基礎本質」(Essential Essence)不斷溝通,並在傳遞「他們是因為他們與我的永恆連結和持續合一」而來的理解和經驗中,發現快樂和成就。
摘自《與神對話 4》第 24章

Neale: …..I don't know exactly which ideas are coming from where, but I have certainly seen a lot of movies, books, online articles and other messages dealing with a better way for humans to interact, offering elements of a wonderfully altered cultural story for our species, and presenting daring new scenarios for improving our collective future.
Now you've got me wondering. Is this very experience that I am having right now part of that process? Have all of my conversations with God actually been conversations with Highly Evolved Beings?
No. This conversation is not being sourced by the Highly Evolved Beings to which I have been referring, if that's what you're asking. It is part of the larger process through which Divinity is being expressed across the cosmos.
Every sentient being in the universe has the ability to communicate directly with The Divine. It is not, and never has been, necessary to go through any intermediary, a Highly Evolved Being or anyone else.
All human beings are having conversations with me all the time. They are simply not "announcing" it, or they are calling it something else, usually for fear of being ridiculed or marginalized.
Highly Evolved Beings are simply more aware of their eternal connection with Original Source, would never deny that they are expressions of It, experience that they are in constant communication with the Essential Essence that you call God, and find both joy and fulfilment in passing on what they have come to understand and experience as a result of their eternal connection and continual unity with me.
Neale: And so it has been that a Highly Evolved Being has come to Earth on occasion through the millennia.
Yes, when doing so would offer the very best chance for a message that would be of great benefit to the advancement of your species to be delivered and modelled in such a way that it could not be missed.
The message does not have to be accepted, mind you. Nothing is ever required of, or forced on, anyone by a Highly Evolved Being. But delivering and modelling the message in a way that can't be missed is in every case a HEB's objective.