
欲望存在於靈魂(Desire exists in the soul. 與神對話說,欲望來自靈魂,而來自身體、頭腦的常是想要(want)或慾望。),如用一個字來解釋其特性的話,即靈魂。靈魂是「神的欲望」的局部表達──為了體驗祂自己。

這種慾望可能會產生不同的行動,所導致的結果也會和靈魂所欲圖的完全不同。靈魂將其意圖的結果放在你的心智(mind)裡,但身體卻讓你一瞬間脫離心智的掌控(out of your mind,也是你發瘋了的意思)。
摘自《與神對話 4》第15章

if you as creative beings wish all the elements of life, down into the tiniest particle, to move in a particular direction, you must create alignment using the force of combined energy focused in a particular way.
And thought is that force.
Neale: Then what creates that focus? How do we cause energy – that is, thought – to be focused in a particular way?
Desire exists in the soul. It is the soul, defined in one word. The soul is the local expression of God’s desire – which is to experience Itself.
Desire is the creator of intention. Intention is the creator of thought. Thought is the creator of action. Action is the creator of outcome.
Not all thought, however, is created by the intention arising out of the soul’s desire. Thought can also, in a sense, have a “mind of its own”. That is, the energy impulse that produces a thought can arise out of the body’s desires.
This produces a different kind of action, which can generate a totally different outcome than the soul had in mind. The soul put its intended outcome in your mind, but your body made you go out of your mind for a moment.
This is what happens when you think you are a body, as opposed to knowing that you are a soul.
Neale: Most of us only hope that we have a soul, or believe that we have a soul, but do not know for sure. But we are sure that we have a body – so this is what most of us think of ourselves as.