永遠記住這一點:每個行為都是一種愛的行為(Every act is an act of love.)這對每個人來說都是真實的,毫無例外。
現在請深入觀察,覺醒意謂著深入觀察(Awakening means looking deeply.)。每一個有感知的生命的每一個決定和行動背後,都是對某事物的關愛。
問題不在於人們不關愛,而在於:人們不懂得如何去關愛(people don't know how to love.)。
「純粹的愛」是一種無私的行為,在較高自我的覺知(Self's awareness)基礎上,它不需要、不請求、不必須去要求任何東西,來讓自己完全自在快樂。
這就是神性的自然狀態(the Natural State of Godliness)。順便一提,這就是為什麼神一點也不需要、不要求也不命令任何人……尤其不需要、不要求也不命令人們對神自卑屈從,或降低、貶低、貶抑自己的身分,或卑躬屈膝和恐懼的崇拜。
摘自《與神對話 4》第34章

No one does anything that they consider to be unloving. Everything they do they do because they are loving.
Neale: What?
Remember this always: every act is an act of love. This is true for everyone, without exception.
Neale: The killer? The rapist? The thief? The religious fanatic? The racial bigot? The political tyrant? The financial swindler? The emotional charlatan?
Look deeply now. Awakening means looking deeply. It is the love of something that is behind every decision and action of every sentient being.
All you have to do to understand why some person or group has done something is to ask: what do you love so much that you felt you had to do this?
The problem is not that people don't love, the problem is that people don’t know how to love. This does not in any way justify their actions, but it does explain them.
As a species matures, it remembers how to express love purely.
Neale: What does "purely" mean?
"Purely" means with nothing intended or needed as a return for the Self.
Pure Love is an act of selflessness, foundationed in the Self’s awareness that it needs, requires, must demand nothing to be perfectly happy.
This is the Natural State of Godliness – which, incidentally, is why God requires, demands and commands nothing at all of anyone . . . least of all abject subjugation or degrading, debasing, demeaning, groveling and fearful worship.
Neale:So you know you have loved purely when there's nothing in it for you. Or when it is not only not to your benefit, but actually non-beneficial to you.
Such a thing would be impossible. Every pure expression of Love brings benefit to the lover, in that it brings all those who purely love the highest and fullest experience of Who They Really Are that it is possible for life to provide.
The ultimate purpose of Life Itself is the ultimate experience of Divinity Itself through the ultimate expression of Love Itself, which is the ultimate definition of God Itself.