
1. 放棄「彼此分離」的觀念。(Abandon the concept of Separation.)
2. 採納「透明可見」的觀念。(Adopt the concept of Visibility.)

永遠不再視彼此視是分離的,也永遠不再視你自己和我(神)是分離的。不再對任何人說任何「不是完整的真相」的事,也不再接受任何「不是你對『關於我』的最宏偉的真理」的東西。(Never tell anything but whole truth to anyone, and never again accept anything less than your grandest truth about Me.)
第一項選擇會導致第二項,因為當你們看清並明白「你們與一切是一體的」(you are One with Everyone),你們就不會去說不實的話,或保留重要的資料,或對所有其他人做任何不是完全「透明可見」的事情,因為你們會很清楚,這樣做是最符合你自己最佳利益的。

但這樣的模式轉變(paradigm shift)需要偉大的智慧、很大的勇氣和重大的決心。因為「恐懼」會襲擊這些觀念的核心,稱它們是虛假的。恐懼會吞食這些宏偉的真理,使得它們看似空洞的。恐懼會扭曲、鄙視、摧毀它們。因此,恐懼將是你們最大的敵人。
然而,除非你們以智慧和清明看見這終極的真相(see the ultimate truth with wisdom and clarity),你們將不會也無法締造和擁有那「你們一直在渴望和夢想的」社會。這最終的真相是:你對別人所做的,就是你對自己所做的;你未能對別人做的,就是你未能對自己做的;別人的痛苦就是你的痛苦,而別人的喜悅便是你的喜悅,並且當你否認其中的任何部分,你就是否認你自己的一部分。
現在是你們取回你自己真實本貌的時候了(time to reclaim yourself)。現在已是再次看見「你真正是誰」的時候了,從而讓大家再次看見真正的你。因為當你和你與神的真正關係變得明顯可見(visible),則我們便不可分割(indivisible)。再也沒有任何東西可以把我們分開。
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章

Most, if not all, of the world's problems and conflicts, and of your problems and conflicts as individuals, would be solved and resolved if you would, as a society:
1. Abandon the concept of Separation.
2. Adopt the concept of Visibility.
Never see yourself again as separate from one another, and never see yourself as separate from Me. Never tell anything but the whole truth to anyone, and never again accept anything less than your grandest truth about Me.
The first choice will produce the second, for when you see and understand that you are One with Everyone, you can not tell an untruth or withhold important data or be anything but totally visible with all others because you will be clear that it is in your own best interests to do so.
But this paradigm shift will take great wisdom, great courage, and massive determination. For Fear will strike at the heart of these concepts and call them false. Fear will eat at the core of these magnificent truths and make them appear hollow. Fear will distort, disdain, destroy. And so Fear will be your greatest enemy.
Yet you will not have, cannot produce, the society for which you have always yearned and of which you have always dreamed unless and until you see with wisdom and clarity the ultimate truth: that what you do to others, you do to yourself; what you fail to do for others, you fail to do for yourself; that the pain of others is your pain, and the joy of others your joy, and that when you disclaim any part of it, you disclaim a part of yourself.
Now is the time to reclaim yourself. Now is the time to see yourself again as Who You Really Are, and thus render yourself visible again. For when you and your true relationship with God become visible, then We are indivisible. And nothing will ever divide Us again.