
Q:Hello! Bashar.
Q: 你好! 巴夏。
And to you, good day.
Q: I want speak to you and hear what you have to say about “Power”.
Q: 我想和你談談,聽聽你對「權力、力量」的看法為何。
Q: I'm looking for you to offer me a new definition about power.
Q: 我希望你能提供於我,關於「力量」新的定義。
Thank you.
Q: I am in a position where in my life, I have a job where I tell people what to do.
Q: 我正處在人生中,一個「常要告訴人們該做什麼」的工作。
Q: So, I do have a lot of power.
Q: 所以,我確實有很大的權力。
Do you?
Q: Well, they listen to what I say.
Q: 嗯,他們聽從我所說的。
I see. Is that power?
Q: Umm, well, it could be perceived that way.
Q: 嗯,好吧,它應該可以這樣被感知吧。
Alright, but some people may have a negative definition of that.
Q: Yes. Yes. And that's exactly what I'm struggling with. Um, everyone in my personal life listens to what I say and do what I say. And again, you know, it could be seen as power.
Q: 是的,沒錯。而這正是我面臨的困惑問題。 呃,我生活中的每個人都聽從我說的話,並依我吩咐行事。所以,你知道的,這可以被視為一種力量。
Do you need them to?
Q: Um, well that's where the question is, because inside, I feel very small and very scared of the world and no power whatsoever. So, it's a very big dichotomy.
Q: 呃,這就是我所困惑的問題,因為其實我內心感到自己的渺小,我非常害怕這個世界,並認為我自己是沒什麼力量的。 所以,這是一種非常大的分裂矛盾。
Q: And I feel that if I'm more powerful, I'll be hurting people. You know, I feel that if my presences…
Q: 而且,我覺得如果我變得更加強大,就會傷害到他人。你知道的,我覺得如果我出現在場......
One moment, one moment, one moment. Again, look at the idea by definition. If you are hurting people, that's not power. Do you understand?
等一下,等一下,等一下。再次強調,注意審視一下你對此事的定義。如果你在傷害他人,那就不是「力量」了。 你明白嗎?
Q: That why I'm looking for you to give me a new definition, because for me, power is hurting people.
Q: 這就是為什麼我想要你給我一個關於「力量」的新定義,因為對我來說,力量是在傷害他人。
Yes, if you are hurting people, it's not power. True power, the greatest power requires the lightest touch.
好的。如果你傷害別人,那這就不是力量。 真正的力量,最強大的力量只需要最輕微的碰觸提醒。
Because it is so powerful, it doesn't need to exert force. If it exerts force, it is not power, it is an expression of powerlessness.
因為它是如此強大有力,所以,它不需要額外用力。 若是在額外用力的,就不是具有強大力量的,而是一種無力的表現。
Because anything that needs to exert force to convince someone else of something, is only attempting to convince themselves of the power.
If you really have a powerful point of view, you need the slightest suggestion, people will understand. Or if they don't understand, you can through dialogue, through engagement, through co-interaction, express the idea in such a way as to define whether or not that person is in alignment with the expression of power or not.
If they are not in alignment with the expression of true power which does not require force, then you can recognize that the vibration may not be compatible and you can let them go find something that is more compatible for them.
If however they understand your expression of power, which needs to be in that sense very light, because it doesn't need to force itself. It comes with assurance. It comes with conviction.
But it is also open. It is also open to sharing, open to interacting, open to receiving suggestions and advice, open to working together as a whole in a win-win situation for all.
Guiding? Yes. Suggesting? Yes, in that sense. But not domineering, not forcing because that's not power.
「引導」嗎? 是的。「建議」嗎?是的,就上述的層面來說,沒錯。但並非主宰、並非強迫,因為主宰和強迫並非「力量」。
Power is creative. It takes no power to destroy.
Build a tower of blocks, that's creative. Knock it down, doesn't take any effort at all. That's not power.
But the idea is, is that true power, paradoxically, only requires a light touch if it is true power.
而這概念是:真正的力量, 看似矛盾卻非常真實地,只需輕柔地點出(不需額外用力),如果它是真正的力量的話。
The dichotomy on your planet is that so many people for so long have succumbed to the illusion of power, but now you're learning to use the power of the illusion.
You see the difference?
Q: I do.
Q: 我看得出來。
Does this help you?
Q: Hmm, I just want to follow up with this. So, is it really about just being the person I am…
Q: 嗯,我只是想更加深入探索這問題。所以說,重點真的只在「做我自己(成為我想成為的那種人)」嗎…
Q: And trusting that? But then, how do you get people to do what you want them to do?
Q: 並且相信那樣就好了嗎? 但是,你要如何讓人們去做「你想要他們做的」事呢?
What does a true leader do? Inspire others. You understand? That's power.
一個真正的領導者會怎麼做呢?啟發他人、激勵他人。 你明白嗎?這才是力量。
That you can generate inspiration in others, allow others to get excited with you about what's going on and how you all benefit, how everyone wins, including those that you serve power is being of service.
Q: Okay.
Q: 好的。
You understand? By being your Self.
你了解嗎? 以「讓自己成為你真實的自己」的方式。
Q: Okay.
Q: 好的。
Does that make sense?
Q: Yes, it actually does. Thank you.
Q: 是的,這些解說確實讓我更了解,謝謝你。
Thank you.