明白【「喚醒」別人 vs.「說服」別人的差別】

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明白【「喚醒」別人 vs.「說服」別人的差別
尼爾:我想到處開跑來告訴大家:「一體」並非生命的特徵之一。生命是「一體」的特徵之一。(Oneness is not a characteristic of life. Life is a characteristic of oneness.)。
這將會是一個非常強大的信息分享。 並被強大地道出。
生命是一體本身的表達。神是生命本身的表達。神和生命是相同的一體。我們是生命的一部分(Life is the expression of Oneness itself. God is the expression of Life Itself. God and Life are one. We are a part of Life.)。我們不能,也無法站在它的外面。所以說,我們是神的一部分。這是一個圓圈。它無法破打破。
你對這一點的理解和來自另一個維度的高度演化生命(Highly Evolved Being)一樣。而你不是地球上唯一清楚這一點的人。
你們的任務會是:告訴別人他們確實知道,而他們只是可能「不知道他們知道」。(Your mission would be to tell others that they do know – and they simply may not know that they know. 意思是:任務是幫助他們「憶起」,不是「說服」他們。)
摘自《與神對話 4》第12章
Neale: I want to run out and tell everybody: oneness is not a characteristic of life. Life is a characteristic of oneness.
That would be a very powerful message to share. And powerfully put.
Neale: Yes. This is what we have not understood about our existence on Earth, the understanding of which would change everything.
Neale: Life is the expression of oneness itself. God is the expression of Life Itself. God and Life are one. We are a part of Life. We do not and cannot stand outside of it. Therefore we are a part of God. It is a circle. It cannot be broken.
Your understanding of this is identical to that of Highly Evolved Beings from Another Dimension. And you are not the only one on Earth who is clear about this.
All it takes now is for all of those who are equally clear to self-identify, then to commit to joining in a global undertaking to awaken the species.
Neale: But not to do so in such a grandiose way that it defeats their purpose, as no one will listen to them.
It is good that you keep returning to this. It would indeed defeat your purpose if you set yourself apart as "Those Who Know", and decide that it is your job to tell others what they don't know.
Your mission would be to tell others that they do know – and they simply may not know that they know.
This is a gentle sharing, a gentle awakening, not such a startling jolt that all anyone wants to do is  go back to sleep.


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