瀏覽人數 392
1. 今日之神不要求任何人相信神。Today's God does not require anyone to believe in God. 2. 今日之神沒有性別、身高、形狀、膚色,或任何個別生靈的特徵。TG is without gender, size, shape, color...
More 2015/08/12
瀏覽人數 298
1. 人與人彼此是分離的。(Human beings are separate from each other.)2. 沒有足够的資源足以滿足人類快樂的需求。(There is not enough of what human beings need to be happy...
More 2015/08/12
瀏覽人數 237
1. 承認你們對「神」和「生命」的某些舊信念已經行不通了。(Acknowledge that some of your old beliefs about God and about Life are no longer working...
More 2015/08/12
瀏覽人數 231
第一,你們相信神需要某些東西。>(God needs something.)第二,你們相信神可能得不到祂需要的某些東西。(God can fail to get what He needs...