
瀏覽人數 36
要對你自己真誠。永遠記得:為了不背叛別人而背叛自己,仍然是背叛,而且是最極致的背叛。 (Betray of your self in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal.)
永遠記得,愛即自由(love is freedom)。你不需要用別的字去定義它。你不需要用別的想法去理解它。你不需要用別的行動去表達它。唯一的問題是,你能否將這愛的禮物給你自己並給別人。
所有表達自由的系統,協定、決定和選擇都是在表達神。因為神即自由,而自由即愛,被表達出來(God is freedom, and freedom is love, expressed.)
Be gentle with yourself, and true, as well.
Remember always that betrayal of your self in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal.
Remember always that love is freedom. You need no other word to define it. You need no other thought to comprehend it. You need no other action to express it.
Your search for the true definition of love is over. Now the only question will be whether you can give this gift of love to yourself and to another, even as I have given it to you.
All systems, agreements, decisions, and choices that express freedom express God. For  God is freedom, and freedom is love, expressed.
Remember always that yours is a world of Illusion, that nothing you see is real, and that you may use the Illusion to bring you a grand experience of the Ultimate Reality. Indeed, that is what you have come here to do.


今日之神僅會說:「我對你們什麼都不要求。你們可以依照你們所希望的去做,我給你們自由意志。」今日之神不會說:「你們有自由意志,除非,你不順從我要求的去做,在那情況我將永遠懲罰你。」... 更多
自由是生命的本質,並非你賺得或能被賜予的東西,卻是你本是(What You ARE)的東西。任何限制其表達的努力,都是在限制「生命本身」的努力,而生命將在每個層面被靈魂重新創造,直到靈魂───即自由本身───在每個片刻都被完全地表達了 (... 更多
我在對話裡告訴過你,「自由」這個字與「神」這個字是可以互相交換的。尼爾:是的,你說過。但是,並沒有宗教教導過「自由」與「神」是可以互換的這種觀念。你們的主要宗教難道沒有教導,神是全能、全創、全知、無限及無所不在的嗎?尼爾:有,... 更多
自由並不是某種別人給你的東西。自由是「你是誰」的本質(Freedom is not something that others give you. Freedom is the... 更多