
瀏覽人數 4536
願意去探索此篇每一句的意涵,是開啟內在覺知的最佳途徑之一。 讓我聽聽神談跟「金剛經四句偈」相關的意義:
你所看見的東西,沒有一樣是真的。(Nothing that you see is real.)
是你將你自己的手錶(your watch 註:也是「你的觀看」的意思,接續上一段的比喻),撥快了十分鐘。
事實上你是在「觀看你自己」。也就是說,你在哄騙自己相信「不是那樣的東西」是那樣。(You are actually “watching yourself”. That is, you are deluding yourself into thinking that what is not so, is so.)
記住,每個行為都是個自我定義(self-definition)的行為。每個思維都帶著創造的能量(Every thought carries the energy of creation.)。每個字都宣告出「你所認為的真理」。
I have told you this before, in many ways at many times. I am telling it to you again, here.
Nothing that you see is real.
It is your watch, set ahead ten minutes.
You are actually "watching yourself." That is, you are deluding yourself into thinking that what is not so, is so.
But you must watch out, because you can forget very easily that you are living within an illusion of your own creation.
Some of you may feel depressed when you are told that what you are experiencing on your planet is all make-believe. Yet do not be downhearted, for your world is your greatest gift, a wonder for you to behold, a treasure for you to enjoy.
>Life in the physical realm is glorious, indeed, and its purpose is to bring you happiness through the awareness and the declaration, the expression and the fulfillment, of Who You Really Are. Go, therefore, into this magnificent world of your creation, and make of your lifetime an extraordinary statement and a breathtaking experience of the most glorious idea that you have ever had about your self.
Remember that every act is an act of self-definition. Every thought carries the energy of creation. Every word is a declaration of what is true for you.


要明白你是你自己的最高權威(you are your own highest authority)。不要將你的權威源頭放在你的外面,而是走向自己的內心去看見「... 更多
跨離開幻覺,並且視它們為它們真正所是的樣子,就是離開人生的「殘酷現實」的舉動。每個幻覺都可以和任何另一個 幻覺組合在一起,例如分離和需要、定罪和優越、無知和優越、... 更多
我再次告訴你們,生命的設計裡有其完美。生命中沒有一事是意外發生的。沒有一事。你們的人生中沒有一事是偶然發生的。沒有一事。... 更多