尼爾:我為何仿佛無法在我的人生中吸引到足夠的金錢? 我的餘生是否註定要省吃儉用?關於金錢,是什麼阻止了我去實現我全部的潛能?
那是個方便的簡化說法。但以你剛提出的問題,你的老師們是錯的。你(尼爾)並沒有缺乏自我價值 的問題。老實說,你一輩子最大的挑戰一向是「如何去掌控你的小我」。有人說那是一種自我價值過多的情形!
每次我只是說出關於你的實情,你就一直說你很困窘又懊惱。困窘是一種「對於別人如何看待他仍然很自我投入的人」的反應(Embarrassment is the response of a person who still has an ego investment in how others see him.)。邀請你自己去跨越這點,去嘗試新的反應,試著以笑取代吧!
摘自《與神對話 1》第11章
Why can't I ever seem to attract enough money in my life? Am I destined to be forever scrimping and scraping? What is blocking me from realizing my full potential regarding money?
The condition is manifested not just by you, but by a great many people.
Everyone tells me it's a problem of self-worth; a lack of selfworth. I've had a dozen New Age teachers tell me that lack of anything is always traceable to lack of self-worth.
That is a convenient simplification. In this case your teachers are wrong. You do not suffer from a lack of self-worth. Indeed, your greatest challenge all your life has been to control your ego. Some have said it's been a case of too much self-worth!
Well, here I am, embarrassed and chagrined again, but You are right.
You keep saying you're embarrassed and chagrined every time I simply tell the truth about you.
Embarrassment is the response of a person who still has an ego investment in how others see him.
Invite yourself to move past that. Try a new response. Try laughter.
Self-worth is not your problem. You are blessed with an abundance of it. Most people are. You all think very highly of yourself, as rightly you should. So self-worth, for the great mass of the people, is not the problem.
What is?
The problem is lack of understanding of the principles of abundance together, usually, with a massive misjudgment about what is “good” and what is “evil.”Let Me give you an example.
You carry a thought around that money is bad. You also carry a thought around that God is good. Bless you! Therefore, in your thought system, God and money do not mix.