很好。我只是在用(關於性 sex)這一種生活經驗(順便說一聲,這是你們每個人都在做,只是沒人會說的)來解說一個更大的重點。
摘自《與神對話 2》第7章
Go ahead and choose being better—but not better than others; rather, better than you were before.
Go ahead and choose having more, but only so that you have more to give.
And yes, choose “knowing how” and “knowing why”—so that you can share all knowledge with others.
And by all means choose to KNOW GOD. In fact, CHOOSE THIS FIRST, and all else will follow. All of your life you have been taught that it is better to give than to receive. Yet you cannot give what you do not have. This is why self-gratification is so important—and why it is so unfortunate that it has come to sound so ugly. Obviously, self-gratification at the expense of others is not what we're talking about here. This is not about ignoring the needs of others. Yet life should also not have to be about ignoring your own needs.
Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give others.....
If this book is to be limited to what “most people” are ready to hear God talk about, it's going to be a very small book. Most people are never ready to hear what God talks about when God is talking about it. They usually wait 2,000 years.
Neale: All right, go ahead. We've all gotten over our initial shock.
Good. I was merely using this life experience (in which you've all engaged, by the way, but of which no one wants to speak) to illustrate a larger point.
The larger point, restated: Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give to others.