在這本書裡,我們將以一個聲音說話。 (We will speak with one voice.)
在最初,你的思維是「我的」,而「我的」思維是你的。因為,在最初,並沒有別的。只有一個「一切萬有的單一源頭」(one Source of That Which Is),而那「單一源頭」,即「一切萬有」。
所有的東西都是從那「單一源頭」發散出來,然後無所不在地到處彌漫,並以「整體的個別化」的方式在顯露它們自己 (reveal themselves as Individuations of the Whole)。

生命即被詮釋出來的神。也就是,被轉譯成許多形式的神。(Life is God, interpreted. That is, translated into many forms.)
「我是我所是」(I AM THAT I AM.)—— 如我多次告訴過你們的。
就在這個時代的這時候,當你們開始另一個千禧年的現在,我來到了你們面前,是要讓你能以一個新方式,開始一個新的一千年:終於認識我,首先選擇我(即選擇優先服侍生命),並永遠成為我,在所有方面 (in all ways)。
We will speak with one voice.
You will make that choice, even as you have always done. For in each Moment of Now have you made your decision, and announced it in action.
At the beginning, your thoughts are Mine, and Mine are yours. For at the beginning, it can be no other way. There is only one Source of That Which Is, and the one Source is That Which Is.
All things emanate from that Source, then permeate the Isness all over, and reveal themselves as Individuations of the Whole.
The individual interpretations of the one message produce the miracle of Oneness in many forms.
This Oneness in many forms is what you call Life.
Life is God, interpreted. That is, translated into many forms.
I Am That I Am—as I have told you many times.
There is nothing that I have ever been that I have ceased to be. And there is nothing that I will ever be that I am not now.I cannot become anything that I now am not, nor can I fail to be anything that I once was.
This is as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
I am coming to you now, in this day and time, as you begin another millennium, so that you may start a new thousand years in a new way: knowing Me at last, choosing Me first, and being Me always, all ways.
There is no mistake in the timing. I began these new revelations early in the last decade, continued My conversations with you throughout the last years of the century, and in the final moments of the last millennium reminded you how you may have a friendship with Me.
Now, in the first year of the new millennium, I speak to you with one voice, that we may experience communion.