
瀏覽人數 505
在高度演化的社會(highly evolved societies)裡,沒有一位成員會被審判和被定任何罪。他們只是單純地被觀察到做了某事而且讓他們自己清楚自己行為的結果和其衝擊為何然後,他們被允許去決定自己對那結果想做些什麼——如果他們有什麼想做的。而社會裡的其他人也同樣被允許去決定他們對那個結果想做些什麼——如果他們希望要為他們所做的事做些什麼。他們不會對別人做出什麼(懲罰)。他們根本不會有任何懲罰的念頭,因為懲罰的觀念本身對他們是無法理解的(incomprehensible)
為什麼「一體的生命」會想傷害它自己(Why would the One Being want to hurt Itself?)?縱使它曾做了一些造成傷害的事,它又為何會想再度傷害自己?再一次傷害自己又如何能挽救第一次傷害所帶來的損傷?這就像是絆倒踢傷了腳趾頭之後,又再用同樣的力氣踢一次,以為之報復。 
In highly evolved societies, no members of those societies are ever judged and found guilty  of anything. They are simply observed to have done something, and the outcome of their actions, the impact of them, is made clear to them. Then they are allowed to decide what, if anything, they wish to do with regard to that. And others in the society are likewise allowed to decide what, if anything, they wish to do to and for themselves with regard to that. They do nothing to another. The idea of punishment is simply not something that occurs to them, because the concept of punishment itself is incomprehensible to them.
Why would the One Being want to hurt Itself? Even if It has done something that is damaging, why would It want to hurt Itself again? How does hurting Itself once more correct the damage of the first hurt? It's like stubbing one's toe, then kicking twice as hard to retaliate.
Of course, in a society that does not see itself as one, and does not see itself as one with God, this analogy would not make sense. In such a society, judgment would make perfect sense.


6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
當你們尋求「導正錯誤」時,會認爲懲罰是過程中必要的一部分。因為你們把所謂「錯誤」的行爲視爲「道德上的過失」,而非「功能上的行不通」。... 更多
6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
每個地方的所有生命都想要體驗樂趣(all beings everywhere seek to experience pleasures)。... 更多
6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
在高度演化社會(highly evolved society)的生活模式是這樣的:人們分散群居,或像你們所謂的「故意建立的小型社區」(small... 更多
人們認為,如果不去管那些沒人想做的事的話,就不會有人去做那些「要使生活可以繼續下去就必須做好」的事了。... 更多