利用「十大幻覺」有很多方式,有很多的方法可以去經驗它們。你們可以選擇以它們為當下片刻的實相(present-moment realities)去經驗,或以過去的記憶去經驗它們。後者是「先進的文明和生命」如何利用幻覺的方式。
高度演化的生命(Highly evolved beings)仍然覺知那些幻覺,他們從不去終結它們(記住,就像你所知道的,終結它們就是終結生命本身),他們把幻覺當成他們過去的一部分,而不是他們現在的一個部分在經驗。他們鼓勵彼此永遠記得幻覺,但再也不會把它們當成是此時此地的實相在經歷它們。
然而,不論你是以目前的實相在經歷它們,或把它當作是過去來的提醒,重要的是視它們為它們所是——幻覺(see them for what they are---Illusions)。然後你才有辦法依照著你的意願去利用它們。
高度演化生命(HEB)會視幻覺為幻覺(See the Illusions as Illusions.),並決定它們的意義是什麼(Decide what they mean.)。
There are many ways to use The Ten Illusions, and many ways to experience them. You may choose to experience them as present-moment realities, or as memories from the past. The latter is how the Illusions are used by advanced cultures and beings.
Highly evolved beings remain aware of the Illusions, and they never end them (remember, to end them would be to end life itself, as you know it), but they experience them as part of their past, rather than part of their present. They encourage each other to always remember them but never to live them as if they were here-and-now realities ever again.
Yet, whether you experience them in present time or as reminders from the past, the important thing is to see them for what they are—Illusions. Then you can use them for what you will.
See the Illusions asIllusions.
Decide what they mean.