很難相信你對輪迴轉世仍有疑問。我覺得很難想像。已經有這麼多從完全可信賴的消息來源談關於「前世經驗」的報導。其中有些人曾帶回令人震驚的、詳盡的事件描述,以及完全可以證實、足以消除任何疑慮 ——既不可能是偽造的,也不可能是設計來欺騙研究者和關愛者的資料。
既然你堅持要精確,我告訴你,你已經有過 647個前生。這是你第648次的轉世。你什麼都當過。國王、王后、農奴。老師、學生、大師。男人、女人。戰士、和平主義者。英雄、懦夫。殺人者、救主。智者、傻瓜。所有這些你都經歷過!
摘自《與神對話 I》第14章
Neale: Is there such a thing as reincarnation? How many past lives have I had? What was I in them?
It is difficult to believe there is still a question about this. I find it hard to imagine. There have been so many reports from thoroughly reliable sources of past life experiences. Some of these people have brought back strikingly detailed descriptions of events, and such completely verifiable data as to eliminate any possibility that they were making it up or had contrived to somehow deceive researchers and loved ones.
You have had 647 past lives, since you insist on being exact. This is your 648th. You were everything in them. A king, a queen, a serf. A teacher, a student, a master. A male, a female. A warrior, a pacifist. A hero, a coward. A killer, a savior. A sage, a fool. You have been all of it!