宇宙裡沒有巧合——只有偉大的設計。相似的能量會吸引相似的能量,形成類似的能量〝團〞。而當它有難以想像的大量相似能量“粘在 一起”時,就形成了物質形式的東西或事件(matter)...。這即吸引力在宇宙裡如何運作。
其中和我們日常生活切身有關的一項是情緒。情緒就是在運行的能量,情緒是吸引的力量(Emotion is the power which attracts.)。

情緒是吸引的力量。(Emotion is the power which attracts.)
你會吸引你所害怕的東西。(You attract what you fear.)
植物——你們認為是一種更為低等的生命——會對愛它們的人反應出遠比對毫不在乎它們 的人好得多。
情緒是在運行流動的能量(Emotion is energy in motion.)。當你挑動能量,你便創造出效應。
相似的能量會吸引相似的能量——形成(用簡單的話來說)類似的能量〝團〞。當有足夠的這種類似的“團”縱橫交錯——互相會聚在一起——慢慢地它們彼此就〝粘在一起〞(以另一個簡單的用語)。而當它有難以想像的大量相似能量“粘在 一起”時,就形成了物質形式的東西或事件(matter)。
摘自《與神對話 I》第1章

Emotion is the power which attracts.
That which you fear strongly, you will experience.
An animal—which you consider a lower form of life (even though animals act with more integrity and greater consistency than humans)—knows immediately if you are afraid of it. Plants—which you consider an even lower form of life—respond to people who love them far better than to those who couldn't care less.
None of this is by coincidence. There is no coincidence in the universe —only a grand design; an incredible "snowflake."
Emotion is energy in motion. When you move energy, you create effect.
Like energy attracts like energy—forming (to use simple words) "clumps" of energy of like kind. When enough similar "clumps" criss-cross each other—run into each other—they "stick to" each other (to use another simple term). It takes an incomprehensibly huge amount of similar energy "sticking together," thusly, to form matter.