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視這幻覺為一種幻覺(See this Illusion as an illusion.) 。並且了解和明白最終我們全是一體的。人類以及所有的生命是個一體的場域(unified field 統一場)。它整個是「同一個東西」 (It is all One Thing.) 。所以,沒有什麼是比較優越的東西,也沒有什麼是比你優越的東西。
你對你的想法越大,你的經驗就越大。 (The larger your idea of you, the larger will be your experience.)
Even religions, the one human institution which was supposedly created to bring you closer to God, have too often used Superiority as their chief tool. "Our religion is superior to the other religion," many institutions have declared, thus doing more to separate human beings on the path to God than to unite them.
States and nations, races and genders, political parties and economic systems have all sought to use their supposed Superiority to attract attention, respect, agreement, adherence, power, or, simply, members. What they have produced by using this tool has been anything but superior.
Yet the largest part of the human race seems blind or is strangely silent. It cannot see that its own superiority-based behaviors are actually producing inferiority in every way. Or it does see this, and simply refuses to admit it. The result is that the cycle of claiming Superiority as justification for its actions, and then suffering the inferior results of those actions, goes on and on.
There is a way to break out of this cycle.
See this Illusion as an illusion. Understand and know at last that We Are All One. The human race, and all of Life, is a unified field. It is all One Thing. There is, therefore, nothing to be superior to, and nothing that is superior to you.
This is the essential truth of the life experience. Is the tulip superior to the rose? Are the mountains more majestic than the sea? Which snowflake is the most magnificent? Is it possible that they are all magnificent—and that, celebrating their magnificence together, they create an awesome display? Then they melt into each other, and into the Oneness. Yet they never go away. They never disappear. They never cease to be. Simply, they change form. And not just once, but several times: from solid to liquid, from liquid to vapor,from the seen to the unseen, to rise again, and then again to return in new displays of breathtaking beauty and wonder. This is Life, nourishing Life.
This is you.
The metaphor is complete.
The metaphor is real.
You will make this real in your experience when you simply decide that it is true, and act that way. See the beauty and the wonder of all whose lives you touch. For you are each wondrous indeed, yet no one more wondrous than another. And you will all one day melt into the Oneness, and know then that you form together a single stream.
Such a knowing will change the entirety of your experience on earth. It will change your politics, your economics, your social interactions, the way you educate your young. It will bring you, at last, heaven on earth. 
When you see that Superiority is an illusion, you will know that inferiority is an illusion as well. Then you will feel the wonder and power of equality—with each other, and with God. Your idea about yourself will become larger, and the reason for the Illusion of Superiority will have been realized. For the larger your idea of you, the larger will be your experience.
Always remember that.
The larger your idea of you, the larger will be your experience.


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優越(Superiority)有許多用處。其中最主要的一種是提供了可以去做「為確保能得到足夠的一切——包括神的愛——所須做的事」之無須爭辨的正當理由。懂得這些優越的條件可以賦予一個人權利去忽視他人、去叫人皈依,或乾脆消滅那些不知道條件或不同意他們的人... 更多
耶穌的信息是,他並不比任何人偉大,而任何人也不比任何其他人偉大,因為你們全都是一體,... 更多
當你視幻覺為幻覺(see illusions as illusions)時,你將瞭解,你們沒有一個部分是優越於整體 (All Of It) 的,因為,你們的每一個部分即是那整體。然後你就不用再召喚勇氣,你會知道你即是勇氣。你不用再呼求神,... 更多
【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】-9/10 ... 更多
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並沒有較「優越」這一回事。(There is no such thing as Superiority.)是你們把它捏造出來的。(You have made it... 更多