
我們在這裡所做的,是重新定義神的特質(redefine God's character)。只要人類還是以「他們目前了解神的方式」在了解神,你們就會指派各式各樣的特質給神,但是這些特質根本不是神的真實本質,並且與「神是誰及神是什麼」毫無關係。
記不記得我先前 (本書一開始第一章,現在再次重複 ) 說過,你們信仰的神不是真實的,你們信仰的神是你們編造出來的(the God in whom you believe is made up)?

然而它是真實的(it's true)。昨日之神是一個你們憑空捏造的神,與終極的實相(Ultimate Reality)毫無關係。我現在解釋的是終極實相───它的一小部分而已───以便你們能開始了解、開始理解到它整個系統的微妙性,還有其複雜和圓熟。
在這份簡短的「神與生命的生理學」的過程(course in the physiology `of God and Life,指的是整部與神對話信息),要堅持下去,因為當你聆聽這些之後,你將不會再以過去的方式想像「神」。

I said that what we were going to do here is redefine God's character. So long as humanity sees God the way it currently sees God, you will assign to God all sorts of characteristics that are simply not part of the true nature of God and have nothing to do with who and what God is.
Remember when I said earlier that the God in whom you believe isn't real, that the God in whom you believe is made up?
Neale: Yes, I was pretty startled when you made that comment.
Yet it's true. Yesterday's God is a God you created out of thin air, having nothing to do with Ultimate Reality. What I am explaining now is Ultimate Reality—a little of it, anyway—so that you can begin to understand, begin to grasp, the complexity of it, the sophistication of it, the subtlety of the Whole System.
Hang in there through this little short course in the physiology of God and Life, because after you hear this, you will never be able to think of "God" in the same way again.