
《與神對話》第一部所討論的,主要是跟「作為一個生命的個體之個人」有關的疑問(personal inquiries with one's life as an individual)。
第二部(《與神對話 II》)談的是跟「你們在地球上的集體生活」有關的詢問回答。
第三部(《與神對話 III》)則包括這三部曲所討論的最大真相:宇宙學(cosmology,即:宇宙的起源和發展的科學 the science of the origin and development of the universe)、生命的全貌、靈魂的旅程。
整體而言,是我對你們目前的一切事物——從系鞋帶到明白你們的宇宙——能提供的最佳建言與信息 (My best current advice and information on everything from tying your shoe to understanding your universe)。
摘自《與神對話 II》第5章

Neale: You promised in the first book to explain in Book 2 a long list of larger things—such as time and space, love and war, good and evil, and planetary geopolitical considerations of the highest order. You also promised to further explain—in some detail—the human experience of sex.
Yes, I promised all those things.
Book 1 had to do with more personal inquiries; with one’s life as an individual.
Book 2 deals with your collective life on the planet.
Book 3 concludes the Trilogy with the largest truths: the cosmology, the whole picture, the journey of the soul.
Taken together, My best current advice and information on everything from tying your shoe to understanding your universe.