
如果你們能明白所有 的「體」都是那「一體」的一部分(ALL bodies are part of One Single Body),你們也就明白,你為存活的奮鬥會是個集體的奮鬥; 而且是一種生命運作基本原理 ——「維續性」本身的表達。
如果你們認為所有的「體」都是那「一體」的一部分,就不會做出那些會降低所有人類存 活機會的事,而且還會盡力去提升這種機會。

That is, if you realize that ALL bodies are part of One Single Body. In that case, your fight for survival will be a collective one, and an expression of a Basic Life Principle itself—the principle of Sustainability.
If you thought that all bodies are part of One Single Body, you would do nothing that would reduce the chances of survival for all of humanity, and do everything that would increase those chances.
This is exactly the opposite of what you are doing now.
With your mistreatment of the environment and your ecology, with your misuse of politics and your economies, with your incomplete understanding of spiritual truth as expressed in so many of your religions, with the mistakes of your mental constructions and your social conventions, and with all the behaviors that emerge from all of this, you are doing a great many things that reduce the chances of survival for the collective called humanity. So many things, in fact, that those chances are growing slimmer and slimmer by the day.
Humans are doing these things precisely because most humans do not think of themselves as part of a collective. They think of themselves as separate beings living separate lives on a planet where other separate beings are living other separate lives.
And while they know and fully understand at some level that separate beings may do better when they cooperate with each other than when they don't, they very quickly revert to a "survival of the fittest" mentality when ever they or theirs feel threatened.
It is this "my-survival-first-and-yours-if-I- agree-with-it-and-can-manage-it" mentality—not exhibited by every human being, but exhibited by most—that works against the collective good, and, in fact, creates a world in which the collective good is repeatedly threatened, and may soon be destroyed.
Because you imagine yourself to be a separated body, you believe that the experiences you create for yourself are experienced only by you. You also believe that the things you think, do, and say with regard to others have no direct effect on you. It is this idea that allows human beings to commit unthinkable and merciless acts of violence.