我在(《與神對話》)第一部中所說的沒有錯:在人類的關係中,人們的最大錯誤是在乎別人要什麼、being什麼、做什麼或有什麼。要在乎的只是真正的自己(Be concerned only for the Self. Self也稱大我、高我或本我)——真正的自己being什麼、在做什麼或有什麼?什麼是真正的自己所要的、需要的、選擇的?什麼是真正的自己的最高選擇?(What is the highest choice for the Self?)
而我在這第三部所講的也沒錯:當真正的自己明白並沒有別人時,則為自己做的最高選擇,也就變成為別人做的最高選擇。(The highest choice for the Self becomes the highest choice for another when the Self realize that there is no one else.)
沒錯。生命中的一切都是如此(Yes. All of life is. 這正是與神對話一再講的「功能性」,並說,生命首重功能性。可參閱:www.igod.tw/node/2937)。什麼是「最好的」,要視「你是誰、你想要成為什麼」而定。你無法明智地選擇「什麼對你是最好的」,除非你能明智地決定「你是誰及你是什麼」。(You cannot intelligently choose what is best for your until you intelligently decide who and what you are.)
對於我最好的就是把「你們決定什麼是對於你們最好的」給與你們。因為我想成為的是「把我自己表現出來」。而我是在藉由你們成為那樣(And I am being this through you.)。
我一直都在給你們對於你們最好的(I am always giving you what is best for you)……儘管我承認你們可能並不了解這點。
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章
I stand by what I said in Book 1: The biggest mistake people make in human relationships is to be concerned for what the other is wanting, being, doing, or having. Be concerned only for the Self. What is the Self being, doing, or having? What is the Self wanting, needing, choosing? What is the highest choice for the Self?
I also stand by another statement I made in that book: The highest choice for the Self becomes the highest choice for another when the Self realizes that there is no one else.
The mistake, therefore, is not in choosing what is best for you, but rather, in not knowing what is best. This stems from now knowing Who You Really Are, much less who you are seeking to be.
Neale: I don't understand.
Well, let me give you an illustration. If you are seeking to win the Indianapolis 500, driving 150 miles per hour might be what is best for you. If you are seeking to get to the grocery store safely, it might not.
Neale: You're saying it's all contextual?
Yes. All of life is. What is "best" depends on who you are, and who you seek to be. You cannot intelligently choose what is best for you until you intelligently decide who and what you are.
Now I, as God, know what I am seeking to be. I therefore know what is "best" for Me.
Neale: And what is that? Tell me, what is "best" for God? This ought to be interesting ...
What is best for Me is giving you what you decide is best for you. Because what I am trying to be is My Self, expressed. And I am being this through you.
Are you following this?
Neale: Yes, believe it or not, I actually am.
Good. Now I will tell you something you may find difficult to believe.
I am always giving you what is best for you ... though I admit that you may not always know it.