
瀏覽人數 3840
我告訴你們:神不高於人,男人並不高於女人(God is not above man, and man is not above woman)——因為那並非事物的自然條理(the natural order of things)。但那是每個掌權的人(也就是男人)當他們建構他們的「崇拜男性宗教」時想要的體制,他們有系統地聖經的最後版本中,刪除了一半的資料,並扭曲剩餘的部分以適合他們的男性模式的世界。
我告訴你們:你們全都是傳道者。你們每一個人都是。(You are all priests. Every single one of you.)
沒有任何一個人或任何一個階級,比另一個人或另一個階級更「適合」做神的工作的。(There is no one person or class of people more“suited”to do My work than any other.)
但正像你們的國家一樣,你們有如此多的人對於權力是饑渴的。他們不喜歡分享權力,只想展示權力。而他們所構想的神也是一樣。一個權力饑渴的神(A power hungry God.)。一個只想展示權力卻不喜歡分享權力的神。然而,我告訴你們:神的最大禮物是分享神的權力和力量(God's greatest gift is the sharing of God’s power.)
你們已被教導這樣的事情才是褻瀆。我告訴你們:你們是以神的形象模樣創造出來的——而那就是你們要來實現的天命(You have been made in the Image and Likeness of God---it is that destiny you came to fulfill.)
要相信神的善,並相信神之創物——也就是你們的神聖本我(your holy Selves)——的善
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章
Religion has separated man from God, man from man, man from woman—some religions actually telling man that he is above woman, even as it claims God is above man— thus setting the stage for the greatest travesties ever foisted upon half the human race.
I tell you this: God is not above man, and man is not above woman—that is not the "natural order of things"—but it is the way everyone who had power (namely, men) wished it was when they formed their male-worship religions, systematically editing out half the material from their final version of the "holy scriptures" and twisting the rest to fit the mold of their male model of the world.
It is religion which insists to this very day that women are somehow less, somehow second-class spiritual citizens, somehow not "suited" to teach the Word of God, preach the Word of God, or minister to the people.
Like children, you are still arguing over which gender is ordained by Me to be My priests!
I tell you this: You are all priests. Every single one of you. There is no one person or class of people more "suited" to do My work than any other.
But so many of your men are just like your nations. Power hungry. They do not like to share power, merely exercise it. And they have constructed the same kind of God. A power hungry God. A God who does not like to share power but merely exercise it Yet I tell you this: God's greatest gift is the sharing of God's power.
I would have you be like Me.
Neale: But we cannot be like You! That would be blasphemy.
The blasphemy is that you have been taught such things. I tell you this: You have been made in the Image and Likeness of God—it is that destiny you came to fulfill.
You did not come here to strive and to struggle and to never "get there." Nor did I send you on a mission impossible to complete.
Believe in the goodness of God, and believe in the goodness of God's creation—namely, your holy Selves.


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6.「真理、真相 Truth」
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6.「真理、真相 Truth」
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