
瀏覽人數 1547
「真相」通常是主觀的,因為它只是敘述「一個人以他的觀點在敘述他所看見和相信」的東西,而視角是主觀的。在整部與神對話信息裡,神多次重複這句話:就每個人所處的世界模式而言,沒有人在做任何不得當的事。其目的就是要,擴展人們對真相(truth 真理)這個詞的理解與包容。
此篇所談的並非上述個人或某視角真相」。這是文字麻煩的地方。因為文字是心智的語言(Words are the language of the mind.),而心智通常只會判辨「非此即彼」的東西,但真理和真相經常不是非此即彼的此篇所談的,是指真正客觀、不證自明的「真相」。這是一篇可啟發我們看清和辨識「真相」的觀察建言,值得細心反芻和檢視:
(此篇是神在向尼爾解說「高度文明社會」民眾的認知與社會運作面向之一部分: )
真正的法則(law 法律)是人人無拘無束地同意被它統禦的法則,因為眾人本就自然地被它統禦。因此,與其說是一種他們的同意,不如說是一種「那本是如此共同認知(a mutual recognition of what is So)
這樣的法律是一種不必強制執行的法律。因為它們本就已經被執行了——以那「無法否認的後果」之簡單妙法執行了(by the simple expedient of undeniable consequence)
你看出(明白)了嗎,真相——就像自然法則——是可觀察得到的(Truth--like natural law--is observable.)
不是自然法則的,就不是觀察得到的(not observable),因而對你們來說,才必須被解釋。「為什麼是為你們好」的事,必須有人來告訴你們(說服你們)。必須有人來向你們展示。這(解釋不是自然法則的——不是觀察得到的——東西對你們有好處)並不是一件容易做到的事,因為如果一件事情是對你們有好處的,它會是不證自明的。(Because if a thing is for your own good, it is self-evident.)
政治家不一樣。即使他們失敗了,他們也有話要說。事實上,有時候他們越是失敗說得越多(The more they fail, the more they talk.)
真相和神都在同一個地方被發現:在靜默中。(Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章
True law is that law by which the people freely agree to be governed because they are governed by it, naturally. Their agreement is therefore not so much an agreement as it is a mutual recognition of what is So.
Those laws don't have to be enforced. They already are enforced, by the simple expedient of undeniable consequence.
You see, truth—like natural law—is observable.
Now, any law that is not natural law is not observable, and so has to be explained to you. You have to be told why it's for your own good. It has to be shown to you. This is not an easy task because if a thing is for your own good, it is self- evident.
Only that which is not self-evident has to be explained to you.
It takes a very unusual and determined person to convince people of something which is not self-evident. For this purpose you have invented politicians.
And clergy.
Scientists don't say much. They're usually not very talkative. They don't have to be. If they conduct an experiment, and it succeeds, they simply show you what they've done. The results speak for themselves. So scientists are usually quiet types, not given to verbosity. It is not necessary. The reason for their work is self-evident. Furthermore, if they try something and fail, they have nothing to say.
Not so with politicians. Even if they've failed, they talk. In fact, sometimes the more they fail, the more they talk. The same is true of religions. The more they fail, the more they talk.
Yet I tell you this.
Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence.
When you have found God, and when you have found truth, it is not necessary to talk about it. It is self-evident.
If you are talking a lot about God, it is probably because you are still searching. That's okay. That's all right. Just know where you are.


6.「真理、真相 Truth」
「真相」並不以一種「客觀的實相」存在。(THE truth does not exist as an objective reality.也就是說:「真相」是主觀的)。視角創造感知(perception... 更多
6.「真理、真相 Truth」
別說真理是只在「這裡」或只在「那裡」,真理「既不在這裡也不在那裡」,而是無所不在。它在《聖經》裡、在《古蘭經》裡、在《奧義書》、在《薄伽梵歌》。它是在《聖經》裡稱為<摩西五書>、<詩篇>及<新約>的部分。它是在《摩門經》及《隱言經》裡... 更多
6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
你們人類還是一個「所知道和在乎的都是強權」之非常原始的物種(a very primitive... 更多
你們已納為「你的真理」的價值判斷(the value judgment you have incorporated into... 更多
你們現在就正在以你們的每個思、言、行,影響著世界。唯一不同的是,現在你們大多數人是在「無意識地」這樣做。「新靈性」正是關於「有意識地」這樣做。它是一個對擴展意識的召喚;它是一個有意識地創造的邀請;... 更多
我沒有定義哪個種族或文化團體是我挑選的子民,也沒有指定哪條道路才是唯一通達我的道途。我沒有挑出任何國家或宗教來賜予特別的恩寵,也沒有賜予任何性別或種族優越於另一個... 更多
6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
在高度演化的社會裡,沒有一位成員會被審判和被定任何罪。他們只是單純地被觀察到做了某事,... 更多
6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
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