尼爾:如果那(孩子在馬路中逗留快被車撞到,人們常做導致自己受傷害的事而不自覺或無意識)是真的,則你身為神,應該做的不就是要阻止我們傷害自己,因為傷害自己不可能是我們最深的願望(deepest desire)。然而,我們確實一直在傷害我們自己,而你卻坐視不管我們。
我始終都跟你們最深的願望相伴,而我永遠會給你們那樣的願望。(I am always in touch with your deepest desire, and always I give you that.)
你們無法對你們真正的自己「做出傷害」。你們是不會被傷害到的(You cannot “do damage” to your Selves(大寫的Self,原文有誤). (You are incapable of being damaged.)。
「傷害」是一種主觀的反應,不是一種客觀的現象(“Damage”is a subjective reaction, not an objective phenomenon.)。你們可以在任何際遇或任何現象中選擇要體驗「傷害」(choose to experience “damage”)你們自己,但那完全是你們自己的決定。

被車撞到的小孩是因為他在馬路上漫步,並不「想要」(渴望、尋求、有意識地選擇)被車子撞到(not “want”(desire, seek, consciously choose) to get hit)。
沒有一件事情會發生——我告訴你們,沒有任何事情能發生——在你們人生中,不是為了提供一種精確完美的機會(a precisely perfect opportunity)讓你去癒合、去創造或去經歷某事物,而讓你可以去成為「你真正是誰」(in order to be Who You Really Are. 註:也就是說,凡不是為了提供你精確且完美的條件與機會的人事物,根本不會發生在你的生活中。事件與經驗都是「被拉向你的機會」:www.igod.tw/node/2940)
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章

Neale: If that's true, then You, as God, should be doing nothing but stopping us from hurting ourselves, for it can't be our deepest desire to do damage to ourselves. Yet we do damage to ourselves all the time, and You just sit around and watch us.
I am always in touch with your deepest desire, and always I give you that.
Even when you do something that would cause you to die—if that is your deepest desire, that is what you get: the experience of "dying."
I never, ever interfere with your deepest desire.
Neale: Do You mean that when we do damage to ourselves, that is what we wanted to do? That is our deepest desire?
You cannot "do damage" to yourselves. You are incapable of being damaged. "Damage" is a subjective reaction, not an objective phenomenon. You can choose to experience "damage" to yourself out of any encounter or phenomenon, but that is entirely your decision.
Given that truth, the answer to your question is, Yes—when you have "damaged" yourself, it is because you wanted to. But I'm speaking on a very high, esoteric level, and that is not really where your question is "coming from."In the sense that you mean it, as a matter of conscious choice, I would say that no, every time you do something that damages yourself, it is not because you "wanted to."
The child who gets hit by a car because he wandered into the street did not "want" (desire, seek, consciously choose) to get hit by a car.
The man who keeps marrying the same kind of woman—one who is all wrong for him—packaged in different forms, does not "want" (desire, seek, con sciously choose) to keep creating bad marriages.
The person who hits a thumb with a hammer could not be said to have "wanted" the experience. It was not desired, sought, consciously chosen.
Yet all objective phenomena is drawn to you subconsciously; all events are created by you unconsciously; every person, place, or thing in your life was drawn to you by you—was Self-created, if you will—to provide you with the exact and perfect conditions, the perfect opportunity, to experience what you next wish to experience as you go about the business of evolving.
Nothing can happen—I say to you, nothing can occur—in your life which is not a precisely perfect opportunity for you to heal something, create something, or experience something that you wish to heal, create, or experience in order to be Who You Really Are.