人類「內在的being狀態」和「外在的行動展現」這兩個重點,才是達到心想事成,才是創造出「吸引想要之人事物的同頻能量,並顯化在自己周遭」的關鍵。這是日常生活中人人都可以運用的一種有意識的創造(consciously create),而非無意識或低意識的慣性反應(react)方式。

事先決定「你選擇being什麼」,會使你產生那樣的經驗。(Deciding ahead of time what you choose to be produces that in your experience.)
快樂是一種心思狀態(state of mind)。正如所有的心思狀態那樣,它會以物質的形式複製它自己。所有的心思狀態都會自我繁殖。(All states of mind reproduce themselves.)

就以「你已經是那樣」地去行動,你就會把它吸引過來。(Act as if you are, and you will draw it to you.)
凡是你以行動去做出「你已經是那樣」的,你就會變成那樣。(What you act as if you are, you become.)
尼爾:換句話說,是「故意假裝你是那樣,直到你變成那樣」(“Fake it until you make it.”)?

有點像是那樣(Something like that),是的。只不過你不能真去「假裝」。你的行動作為必須是真誠的(sincere)。
你的每一個行動作為都必須出自真誠,不然就會失去那行動的效益。(Everything you do, do out of sincerity, or the benefit of the action is lost.)
這並不是我不願在效益上「獎賞」你們。神既不「獎賞」,也不「懲罰」,這是你知道的。但是,要讓創造過程能有效益地運作,身、心、靈必須跟思、言、行結合一致,是個「自然法則」。(Natural Law requires the body, mind and spirit to be united in thought, word, and action for the process of creation to work.)
你無法愚弄你的心智(You can not fool your mind. 或:你不可能騙得過自己的心)。如果你不真誠,你的心會知道(your mind knows it),它就是那樣(不用多說),而你只是在這創造過程中把「你的心智可以幫助你的任何機會」終止掉了而已。
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章

Deciding ahead of time what you choose to be produces that in your experience.
Happiness is a state of mind. And like all states of mind, it reproduces itself in physical form. There's a statement for a refrigerator magnet: "All states of mind reproduce themselves."
Neale: But how can you "be" happy to begin with, or "be" anything you are seeking to be—more prosperous, for instance, or more loved—if you are not having what you think you need in order to "be" that?
Act as if you are, and you will draw it to you. What you act as if you are, you become.
Neale: In other words, "Fake it until you make it."
Something like that, yes. Only you can't really be "faking." Your actions have to be sincere.
Everything you do, do out of sincerity, or the benefit of the action is lost.
This is not because I won't "reward you." God does not "reward" and "punish," as you know. But Natural Law requires the body, mind, and spirit to be united in thought, word, and action for the process of creation to work.
You cannot fool your mind. If you are insincere, your mind knows it, and that's that. You've just ended any chance that your mind can help you in the creative process.