此篇即是一個例子。如果你想讓外在的世界幫助你,先幫助你自己——先讓自己being在正確(有幫助的正向)狀態,散發出正確的頻率能量——隨之,外在的人事物,甚至整個宇宙,必然會來幫助你。也就是說:「being什麼」才是重點,其他的就自然會漸漸一一到位。這正是莎翁被神啟發說出的「To be, or not to be. That is the question.」這句名言的真諦。

你的心智知曉,神會藉由你把好的事物帶給別人。因此(別管你頭腦擔心你的利益會受損),不論你為自己選擇什麼,把那「你為自己所選擇的」給予別人(whatever you choose for yourself, give to another)。
不論你「being」什麼,你就在「創造」什麼。(Whatever you are being, you are creating.)
這是生命的最大秘密(This is the biggest secret of life.)。這正是我在第一部和第二部對話中所要告訴你們的。這秘密全都攤在那裡了,比此處說得更詳細。

如果你給與他人是以一個計謀、一種操縱,意在使某事物得以來到你身上,你的心智會知道這點(your mind knows this)。你已經給了你的心智一個「你現在沒有那事物」的訊號。而由於宇宙只是一個大型的複製機(the universe is nothing but a big copying machine),它將你的意念複製成具體的形式,而那就會成為你的經驗。也就是說,你會繼續經驗著「你並沒有那事物」——不論你做什麼!
不僅如此,這也會是你意圖將那事物給與的人的經驗。他們(高層次的意識心智和True Being)會明白,你只是在試圖想得到某種東西,你實際上並沒有東西可以給與,而你的給與將只是一個空洞的姿態,看到這只是出自你為自己圖謀好處的膚淺之舉。
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章
The mind may not be able to sincerely agree that the actions of the body can bring you that which you choose, but the mind seems very clear that God will bring good things through you to another.
Therefore, whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
Do this sincerely—not because you seek personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have that—and all the things you give away will come to you.
Whatever you are being, you are creating.
This is the greatest secret of life. It is what Book 1 and Book 2 were written to tell you. It was all there, in far greater detail.
Neale: Explain to me, please, why sincerity is so important in giving to another what you choose for yourself?
If you give to another as a contrivance, a manipulation meant to get something to come to you, your mind knows this. You've just given it a signal that you do not now have this. And since the universe is nothing but a big copying machine, reproducing your thoughts in physical form, that will be your experience. That is, you will continue to experience "not having it"—no matter what you do!
Furthermore, that will be the experience of the person to whom you're trying to give it. They will see that you are merely seeking to get something, that you have nothing, really, to offer, and your giving will be an empty gesture, seen for all the self-serving shallowness from which it springs.
The very thing you sought to attract, you will thus push away.
Yet when you give something to another with purity of heart—because you see that they want it, need it, and should have it—then you will discover that you have it to give. And that is a grand discovery.
Neale: This is true! It really works this way!
So when you want something, give it away. You will then no longer be "wanting" it. You will immediately experience "having" it. From there on, it is only a question of degree. Psychologically, you will find it much easier to "add onto," than to create out of thin air.