他們的目的是「幫助」你們達成你們大多數人想要的改變,而不是「創造」此改變;是「促成」而不是「迫使」。(Their purpose is to assist in the change they see that most of you desire, not create it; to foster, not force.)

如果他們顯露身分,你們會被因他們現身產生的全然力量,而被迫自願賦予他們極大的榮耀(be forced to accord them great honor),並認為他們的話極有分量。大眾的智慧最好是自身經歷體驗產生的。
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章

The process of shifting the consciousness, increasing the spiritual awareness, of an entire planet, is a slow process. It takes time and great patience. Lifetimes Generations.
Yet slowly you are coming around. Gently you are shifting. Quietly, there is change.
Neale: And You're telling me that beings from outer space are helping us with that?
Indeed. They are among you now, many of them. They have been helping for years.
Neale: Why don't they then make themselves known?
Reveal themselves? Wouldn't that render their impact twice as great?
Their purpose is to assist in the change they see that most of you desire, not create it; to foster, not force. Were they to reveal themselves, you would be forced, by the sheer power of their presence, to accord them great honor and give their words great weight It wisdom.
Wisdom which comes from within is not nearly so easily discarded as wisdom which comes from another. You tend to hang on a lot longer to that which you've created than to that which you've been told.